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The Brilliance of Bioenergy: In Business and Practice

par Ralph E.H. Sims

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The time for modern biomass has come. It has long been overshadowed by other, more widely-publicized renewable energy technologies such as wind, solar and hydro, and still retains an outmoded image in comparison to its apparently more attractive cousins.The potential for biomass to act as a store of solar energy, and yet to be converted efficiently when required into heat, power, transport fuels and even substitutes for plastics and petrochemicals, is not widely appreciated. The increasing abundance of well-designed, successful bioenergy projects around the world is creating new interest in this renewable, sustainable and low-emission-producing source of energy.The Brilliance of Bioenergy covers all the main resources and technologies, principles, practice, social and environmental issues as well as the economics involved. The book also presents valuable, practical experiences - both 'how to' and 'how not to' - in the form of case studies of both small and large scale projects in both developed and developing countries.The Brilliance of Bioenergy is for those wishing to learn more about biomass, the technologies and the business potential. It will be welcomed by all involved in biomass production, bioenergy utilization, planning and development, and in renewable energies in general, as well as students, academics and researchers in the subject.… (plus d'informations)

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The time for modern biomass has come. It has long been overshadowed by other, more widely-publicized renewable energy technologies such as wind, solar and hydro, and still retains an outmoded image in comparison to its apparently more attractive cousins.The potential for biomass to act as a store of solar energy, and yet to be converted efficiently when required into heat, power, transport fuels and even substitutes for plastics and petrochemicals, is not widely appreciated. The increasing abundance of well-designed, successful bioenergy projects around the world is creating new interest in this renewable, sustainable and low-emission-producing source of energy.The Brilliance of Bioenergy covers all the main resources and technologies, principles, practice, social and environmental issues as well as the economics involved. The book also presents valuable, practical experiences - both 'how to' and 'how not to' - in the form of case studies of both small and large scale projects in both developed and developing countries.The Brilliance of Bioenergy is for those wishing to learn more about biomass, the technologies and the business potential. It will be welcomed by all involved in biomass production, bioenergy utilization, planning and development, and in renewable energies in general, as well as students, academics and researchers in the subject.

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