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The Maintenance of Headway par Magnus Mills

The Maintenance of Headway (édition 2010)

par Magnus Mills

MembresCritiquesPopularitéÉvaluation moyenneMentions
15519182,506 (3.55)21
"From the Booker-shortlisted author acclaimed as having 'no literary precedent' (Independent) comes a gently absurd examination of the systems that trap and frustrate us daily. Fans of dry humor will enjoy this tale of mishap and folly, told from the point of view of a bus driver who's been charged to maintain a precise distance between himself and other buses--a directive that leads him to ignore the very passengers he's meant to serve."--Publisher's web site.… (plus d'informations)
Titre:The Maintenance of Headway
Auteurs:Magnus Mills
Info:Bloomsbury Publishing PLC (2010), Paperback
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

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The Maintenance of Headway par Magnus Mills


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» Voir aussi les 21 mentions

Affichage de 1-5 de 19 (suivant | tout afficher)
This novel immerses the reader in the world of London bus drivers and their management, whose mantra is 'The Maintenance of Headway'. According to this worldview, running early is the worst thing a bus driver can do. Although London isn't specifically mentioned, that is manifestly the setting. My favourite thing about the novel was definitely the phrase 'bejewelled thoroughfare' to describe Oxford Street.

Not a great deal happens in this book, which describes the operation of a dynamic system from the perspective of an agent within it. Thus I enjoyed it as a social science student more than as a fiction reader, I think. This novella demonstrates that Magnus Mills has a sly sense of humour and deft touch with words, but it is very narrow in scope. I enjoyed it, but would like to read something else by him with a wider canvas. ( )
  annarchism | Aug 4, 2024 |
Really great, quirky little book about the daily life of bus drivers, and their animating philosophies. Was a touch existential and surreal, but in a very, very gentle way. ( )
  thisisstephenbetts | Nov 25, 2023 |
As a veteran bus traveller, I thoroughly enjoyed this book. It was deadpan and absurd and at the same time felt 100% accurate, probably because Mills himself works as a bus driver. The ending was perfect. Highly recommended. ( )
  rabbitprincess | Aug 28, 2023 |
Not my favorite Mills, though I still enjoy his style. The undercurrent is not quite as ominous as The Restraint of Beasts or Three to See the King. Still, a quick fun read. ( )
  invisiblecityzen | Mar 13, 2022 |
Not my favorite Mills, though I still enjoy his style. The undercurrent is not quite as ominous as The Restraint of Beasts or Three to See the King. Still, a quick fun read. ( )
  invisiblecityzen | Mar 13, 2022 |
Affichage de 1-5 de 19 (suivant | tout afficher)
There is a perfect match between Mills's subject and his peculiar obsessions: the monomaniacal elucidation of the inner workings of systems, and a tenderness towards very British institutions. The title refers to "the notion that a fixed interval between buses on a regular service can be attained and adhered to". A conflict simmers between a cadre of contemplative drivers, who naturally incline towards earliness (who would have thought it?), and the inspectors who would prefer everyone to run late than to undermine the principle of headway.
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For S.M.P.
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'There is no excuse for being early.' said Breslin'No I suppose not.''None whatsover.''No.''It is forbidden.''Yes.
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Wikipédia en anglais (1)

"From the Booker-shortlisted author acclaimed as having 'no literary precedent' (Independent) comes a gently absurd examination of the systems that trap and frustrate us daily. Fans of dry humor will enjoy this tale of mishap and folly, told from the point of view of a bus driver who's been charged to maintain a precise distance between himself and other buses--a directive that leads him to ignore the very passengers he's meant to serve."--Publisher's web site.

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Moyenne: (3.55)
2 6
2.5 3
3 12
3.5 5
4 21
4.5 3
5 5

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