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The Firm: A Novel par John Grisham

The Firm: A Novel (original 1991; édition 2009)

par John Grisham

MembresCritiquesPopularitéÉvaluation moyenneMentions
11,713117588 (3.76)114
At the top of his class at Harvard Law, he had his choice of the best in America. He made a deadly mistake. When Mitch McDeere signed on with Bendini, Lambert & Locke of Memphis, he thought he and his beautiful wife, Abby, were on their way. The firm leased him a BMW, paid off his school loans, arranged a mortgage and hired him a decorator. Mitch McDeere should have remembered what his brother Ray--doing fifteen years in a Tennessee jail--already knew. You never get nothing for nothing. Now the FBI has the lowdown on Mitch's firm and needs his help. Mitch is caught between a rock and a hard place, with no choice--if he wants to live.… (plus d'informations)
Titre:The Firm: A Novel
Auteurs:John Grisham
Info:Dell (2009), Mass Market Paperback, 560 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

Information sur l'oeuvre

La Firme par John Grisham (1991)

Récemment ajouté parReMil, ReadingwithDTB, bibliothèque privée, Ravija-Prateek, judyiverson, jlmays528, BernaS, MountCarmelBC
  1. 00
    False Witness par Randy D. Singer (JenniferRobb)
    JenniferRobb: Both books are legal thrillers. Both deal with a lawyer/law student in an ethical dilemma and show how he/she gets around it by using the law to his/her advantage.
  2. 00
    Startup par Glenn Ogura (Mark-L)
    Mark-L: Authors have very similar styles. Love them both!
  3. 00
    L'Infiltre par John Grisham (JenniferRobb)
    JenniferRobb: Both books involve lawyers that end up in large firms and are asked to do questionable things within their legal duties. Both main characters struggle with their ethics and come up with a solution.
  4. 00
    Le pouvoir d'executer par David Baldacci (JenniferRobb)
    JenniferRobb: Both books feature big firm lawyers trying to do the right thing. Murder and politics are more prominent in the Baldacci book while corporate law and tax shelters are more prominent in the Grisham work.
  5. 01
    Délit d'innocence par Brad Meltzer (micalbi)

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Affichage de 1-5 de 117 (suivant | tout afficher)
At the top of his class at Harvard Law, he had his choice of the best [law firms] in America. He made a deadly mistake. When Mitch McDeere signed on with Bendini, Lambert & Locke of Memphis, he thought he and his beautiful wife, Abby, were on their way. The firm leased him a BMW, paid off his school loans, arranged a mortgage and hired him a decorator. Mitch McDeere should have remembered what his brother Ray — doing fifteen years in a Tennessee jail — already knew. You never get nothing for nothing. Now the FBI has the lowdown on Mitch’s firm and needs his help. Mitch is caught between a rock and a hard place, with no choice — if he wants to live. ( )
  LynneQuan | Sep 6, 2024 |
AMAZING!!!!! ( )
  thedemobro2 | Jul 16, 2024 |
I still remember reading this book just after it had been published. I'd never heard of the book or John Grisham, but another attorney who knew I loved to read gave me his copy. I started it, & remember not being able to put it down! I had a big red furry chaise lounge (a left over of the '80s, lol) in a cozy upstairs nook that had once been a patio. Even though was supposed to work the next day, I stayed up all night finishing the book. Don't remember if I made it in to work, lol!

Far more riveting than Grisham's later legal mysteries which turned very formulaic. ( )
  blakelylaw | May 28, 2024 |
Classic John Grisham. ( )
  zhoud2005 | May 19, 2024 |
The Firm by John Grisham


Print: COPYRIGHT ©: 2/1/1991; ISBN: 978-0385416344; PUBLISHER: Doubleday (Random House); First Printing edition; PAGES: 432; UNABRIDGED
Digital: Available

*Audio: COPYRIGHT ©: 7/3/2007; ISBN: 978-1415945346; PUBLISHER: Books on Tape; DURATION: 17:10:24; PARTS: 14; File Size: 495013 KB; Unabridged; (Overdrive: LAPL)

Feature Film or tv: Yes


MAIN CHARACTERS: (Not comprehensive, and spelling could be wrong)
Mitch McDeere – Law school recent graduate, new hire at the law firm
Abbie McDeere (sp?) – Wife of Mitch, school teacher
Ray – Half-brother of Mitch
Avery Tollis – Mitch’s mentor, a partner at the law firm
Lambert – Employer at the law firm
Dasher – Security at the law firm
Nathan Lock – Lawyer – Partner at the law firm
Lamar Quinn – Lawyer – Associate at the law firm

How I picked it. It was next in line of my John Grisham reads.
What it was about: A recent law school graduate in the top five of his class who expects to interview with firms on Wall Street, but decides the offer from the one he’s just interviewed with that’s based in Memphis is too generous to pass up. But then, there’s a reason they’re so generous, and it’s not a good one.
What I thought: I’d seen the movie decades ago, and then once or twice since then, so I’d never been inclined to read the book, but now that I’ve decided to read (listen to) all of Grisham’s novels, I’m very glad I did. The movie was, what? Two hours? The book was 17 . If you’ve only ever seen the movie—not read/listened-to the book, think how much you have missed. Like all of his books, it’s well worth the read (listen).

John Grisham:
From Wikipedia:
“Grisham, the second of five children, was born in Jonesboro, Arkansas, to Wanda (née Skidmore) and John Ray Grisham.[6] His father was a construction worker and a cotton farmer, and his mother was a homemaker.[9] When Grisham was four years old, his family settled in Southaven, Mississippi, a suburb of Memphis, Tennessee.[6]
As a child, he wanted to be a baseball player.[8] As noted in the foreword to Calico Joe, Grisham gave up playing baseball at the age of 18, after a game in which a pitcher aimed a beanball at him, and narrowly missed doing the young Grisham grave harm.
Although Grisham's parents lacked formal education, his mother encouraged him to read and prepare for college.[1] He drew on his childhood experiences for his novel A Painted House.[6] Grisham started working for a plant nursery as a teenager, watering bushes for $1.00 an hour. He was soon promoted to a fence crew for $1.50 an hour. He wrote about the job: "there was no future in it". At 16, Grisham took a job with a plumbing contractor but says he "never drew inspiration from that miserable work".[10]
Through one of his father's contacts, he managed to find work on a highway asphalt crew in Mississippi at age 17. It was during this time that an unfortunate incident got him "serious" about college. A fight with gunfire broke out among the crew causing Grisham to run to a nearby restroom to find safety. He did not come out until after the police had detained the perpetrators. He hitchhiked home and started thinking about college. His next work was in retail, as a salesclerk in a department store men's underwear section, which he described as "humiliating". By this time, Grisham was halfway through college. Planning to become a tax lawyer, he was soon overcome by "the complexity and lunacy" of it. He decided to return to his hometown as a trial lawyer.[11]
He attended the Northwest Mississippi Community College in Senatobia, Mississippi and later attended Delta State University in Cleveland.[6] Grisham changed colleges three times before completing a degree.[1] He eventually graduated from Mississippi State University in 1977, receiving a B.S. degree in accounting. He later enrolled in the University of Mississippi School of Law to become a tax lawyer, but his interest shifted to general civil litigation. He graduated in 1981 with a J.D. degree.[6]
After leaving law school, he participated in some missionary work in Brazil, under the First Baptist Church of Oxford.[12]”

Scott Brick -
From Wikipedia:
“Scott Brick (born January 30, 1966 in Santa Barbara, California) is an American actor, writer and award-winning narrator of over 800 audiobooks, including popular titles such as Washington: A Life, Moneyball, Cloud Atlas, A Princess of Mars, The Bourne Identity, The Bourne Supremacy, The Bourne Ultimatum, Atlas Shrugged, Sideways, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? (filmed as Blade Runner), I, Robot, Mystic River, Helter Skelter, Patriot Games, Bid Time Return (filmed as Somewhere in Time), In Cold Blood, the Dune series, Ender's Game, and Fahrenheit 451. He has narrated works for a number of high-profile authors, including Tom Clancy, Robert Ludlum, Michael Crichton, John Grisham, Clive Cussler, Stephen J. Cannell, William Faulkner, Nelson DeMille, Brad Meltzer, Harlan Coben, Gregg Hurwitz, David Baldacci, Orson Scott Card, Frank Herbert, Brian Herbert, Kevin J. Anderson, Joseph Finder, Tom De Haven, Stephen R. Donaldson, Nathaniel Philbrick, Terry Brooks, Steve Berry, Gene Wilder, Philip K. Dick, Dennis Lehane, Douglas J. Preston, Lincoln Child, Ayn Rand, Justin Cronin, Carl Hiaasen, Erik Larson, and Isaac Asimov, among others.”

*Scott is one of the best!

Fiction; Suspense; Thriller; Literature

Contemporary (circa 1991)

Memphis, Tennessee; Grand Cayman Island

Tax law; Partners; Law Firms; Crime

“To Renee”

From Chapter 1,
“The senior partner studied the resume' for the hundredth time and again found nothing he disliked about Mitchell Y. McDeere, at least not on paper. He had the brains, the ambition, the good looks. And he was hungry; with his background, he had to be. He was married, and that was mandatory. The firm had never hired an unmarried lawyer, and it frowned heavily on divorce, as well as womanizing and drinking. Drug testing was in the contract. He had a degree in accounting, passed the CPA exam the first time he took it and wanted to be a tax lawyer, which of course was a requirement with at tax firm. He was white, and the firm had never hired a black. They managed this by being secretive and clubbish and never soliciting job applications. Other firms solicited, and hired blacks. This firm recruited, and remained lily white. Plus, the firm was in Memphis, of all places, and top blacks wanted New York or Washington or Chicago. McDeere was a male, and there were no women in the firm. That mistake had been made in the mid-seventies when they recruited the number one grad from Harvard, who happened to be a she and a wizard at taxation. She lasted four turbulent years and was killed in a car wreck.”


2-18-2023 to 3-5-2023 ( )
  TraSea | Apr 29, 2024 |
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De oudste vennoot bestudeerde het curriculum vitae voor de honderste keer en kon nog altijd niets vinden dat hem tegenstond in Mitchell Y. McDeere, in elk geval niet op papier.
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At the top of his class at Harvard Law, he had his choice of the best in America. He made a deadly mistake. When Mitch McDeere signed on with Bendini, Lambert & Locke of Memphis, he thought he and his beautiful wife, Abby, were on their way. The firm leased him a BMW, paid off his school loans, arranged a mortgage and hired him a decorator. Mitch McDeere should have remembered what his brother Ray--doing fifteen years in a Tennessee jail--already knew. You never get nothing for nothing. Now the FBI has the lowdown on Mitch's firm and needs his help. Mitch is caught between a rock and a hard place, with no choice--if he wants to live.

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4 891
4.5 75
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