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The Art Of Tarot (2001)

par Liz Dean

Autres auteurs: David Fordham (Concepteur), Emma Garner (Illustrateur)

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62Aucun436,521 (3.13)1
Using tarot cards is a time-honored way to see the patterns of the past, reap the potential of the present, and predict the future. Interpretation is the key to tarot reading and The Art of Tarot explains the key concepts of the cards in simple terms that beginners will find easy to remember and put into practice in their readings. Included in The Art of Tarot are succinct interpretations for all 78 cards of the major and minor arcanas, plus five classic techniques you will need in order to lay out the cards for a reading. Each card is exquisitely illustrated by artist Emma Garner and her artworks reveal the rich symbolism inherent in this ancient and ever-popular art.… (plus d'informations)

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Nom de l'auteurRôleType d'auteurŒuvre ?Statut
Liz Deanauteur principaltoutes les éditionscalculé
Fordham, DavidConcepteurauteur secondairetoutes les éditionsconfirmé
Garner, EmmaIllustrateurauteur secondairetoutes les éditionsconfirmé
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Using tarot cards is a time-honored way to see the patterns of the past, reap the potential of the present, and predict the future. Interpretation is the key to tarot reading and The Art of Tarot explains the key concepts of the cards in simple terms that beginners will find easy to remember and put into practice in their readings. Included in The Art of Tarot are succinct interpretations for all 78 cards of the major and minor arcanas, plus five classic techniques you will need in order to lay out the cards for a reading. Each card is exquisitely illustrated by artist Emma Garner and her artworks reveal the rich symbolism inherent in this ancient and ever-popular art.

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