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Betty Crocker's Picture Cookbook: The…

Betty Crocker's Picture Cookbook: The Original 1950 Classic (Betty Crocker) (original 1950; édition 1998)

par Betty Crocker

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9101824,391 (4.22)2
It's the book that started it all, the well-loved edition that first bought Betty Crocker cookbooks into American homes and hearts. Published in 1950, this ground-breaking title made cooking easy, it made cooking appealing, and best of all, it made cooking fun. Packed full of practical tips, useful hints, and lavish color photography, this was the book that shaped cooking for generations, the book that people remember. Every recipe you -- or your mother -- ever wanted is here, from pigs inblankets, to Emergency Steak to Chicken Tomato Aspic. Enjoy the clever ideas throughout -- twelve months of birthday cake ideas, showing how to decorate a cake to match each month's gem stone, pointers to make setting up a kitchen easy, or hints to make housework more pleasant. Feel a part of history when making Home Front Macaroni, developed during WW II rationing to stretch meat. Get into the spirit of fun with a Betty Crocker "Cookie Shine" or cookie baking party. People who grew up with thisbook will want it for the memories; those who are new to the book will want it for its charm and its intelligent approach to cooking. It's a perfect keepsake and a great gift.… (plus d'informations)
Titre:Betty Crocker's Picture Cookbook: The Original 1950 Classic (Betty Crocker)
Auteurs:Betty Crocker
Info:Betty Crocker (1998), Edition: Ringbound, Ring-bound
Collections:Votre bibliothèque
Mots-clés:food and drink, janet's, x

Information sur l'oeuvre

Betty Crocker's Picture Cookbook par Betty Crocker (1950)


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» Voir aussi les 2 mentions

Affichage de 1-5 de 18 (suivant | tout afficher)
This was my Grandmother's go-to cookbook. She has many magazine clippings carefully pasted in and notes on the recipes in the margins. I don't use it but I will keep it forever as it represents my home, my family, my history. ( )
  Eurekas | Apr 29, 2023 |
Found at a Flea Market-Antique Store jaunt with my son - it is a bit worn but all pages - 1950's Metal Spiral Bounding, - Another great Betty Crocker's Original Cookbooks to add to my collection. Love Betty and her Perfect Recipes -on how to make a regular housewife serve a delicious meal! Bought for my Cook Book Collection - this little treasure has some handwritten notes and added recipe cards from the original owner! Just my type! Couldn't pass up a book that is as used as many of my favorites
  booklovers2 | Oct 22, 2022 |
Found at a Flea Market - Antique Store jaunt with my son - It is a bit worn - Metal Sprial Binding - But I love Betty Crocker's Original Cookbooks with all the Tips and "how to" articles and explanations. A Real Classic - bought for my Cookbook Collection
  booklovers2 | Oct 22, 2022 |
This is an instructional cookbook from the 1950's designed to teach the home cook everything about cooking and feeding the family. ( )
  lucia5511 | Apr 21, 2021 |
Okay, I have not actually READ this entire cookbook. I have the original from 1950. But I have looked through it. I love it! I love these old cookbooks. I received my copy from a friend of my mom's who presumably bought it new. ( )
  Chica3000 | Dec 11, 2020 |
Affichage de 1-5 de 18 (suivant | tout afficher)
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It's the book that started it all, the well-loved edition that first bought Betty Crocker cookbooks into American homes and hearts. Published in 1950, this ground-breaking title made cooking easy, it made cooking appealing, and best of all, it made cooking fun. Packed full of practical tips, useful hints, and lavish color photography, this was the book that shaped cooking for generations, the book that people remember. Every recipe you -- or your mother -- ever wanted is here, from pigs inblankets, to Emergency Steak to Chicken Tomato Aspic. Enjoy the clever ideas throughout -- twelve months of birthday cake ideas, showing how to decorate a cake to match each month's gem stone, pointers to make setting up a kitchen easy, or hints to make housework more pleasant. Feel a part of history when making Home Front Macaroni, developed during WW II rationing to stretch meat. Get into the spirit of fun with a Betty Crocker "Cookie Shine" or cookie baking party. People who grew up with thisbook will want it for the memories; those who are new to the book will want it for its charm and its intelligent approach to cooking. It's a perfect keepsake and a great gift.

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