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Most College Students Are Women: Implications for Teaching, Learning, and Policy (Women in Academe Series)

par Jeanie K. Allen, Susan J. Bracken, Diane R. Dean

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"What are the realities behind recent press reports suggesting that women students have taken over higher education, both outnumbering males and academically outperforming them? Does women's development during college diverge from the commonly accepted model of cognitive growth? Does pedagogy in higher education take into account their different ways of knowing? Are there still barriers to women's educational achievement?" "In answering these questions, this book's overarching message is that the application of research on women's college experiences has enriched teaching and learning for all students. It describes the broad benefits of new pedagogical models, and how feminist education aligns with the new call for civic education for all students." "The book also examines conditions and disciplines that remain barriers for women's educational success, particularly in quantitative and scientific fields. It explores problems that arise at the intersection of race and gender and offers some transformative approaches. It considers the impact of the campus environment - such as the rise of binge drinking, sexual assault, and homophobic behaviors - on women students' progress, and suggests means for improving the peer culture for all students."--Jacket.… (plus d'informations)

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Nom de l'auteurRôleType d'auteurŒuvre ?Statut
Jeanie K. Allenauteur principaltoutes les éditionscalculé
Bracken, Susan J.auteur principaltoutes les éditionsconfirmé
Dean, Diane R.auteur principaltoutes les éditionsconfirmé
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"What are the realities behind recent press reports suggesting that women students have taken over higher education, both outnumbering males and academically outperforming them? Does women's development during college diverge from the commonly accepted model of cognitive growth? Does pedagogy in higher education take into account their different ways of knowing? Are there still barriers to women's educational achievement?" "In answering these questions, this book's overarching message is that the application of research on women's college experiences has enriched teaching and learning for all students. It describes the broad benefits of new pedagogical models, and how feminist education aligns with the new call for civic education for all students." "The book also examines conditions and disciplines that remain barriers for women's educational success, particularly in quantitative and scientific fields. It explores problems that arise at the intersection of race and gender and offers some transformative approaches. It considers the impact of the campus environment - such as the rise of binge drinking, sexual assault, and homophobic behaviors - on women students' progress, and suggests means for improving the peer culture for all students."--Jacket.

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