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Sept mers et treize rivières (2003)

par Monica Ali

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MembresCritiquesPopularitéÉvaluation moyenneMentions
5,4101282,030 (3.44)276
-- Sisterland After an arranged marriage to Chanu, a man twenty years older, Nazneen is taken to London, leaving her home and heart in the Bangladeshi village where she was born. Her new world is full of mysteries. How can she cross the road without being hit by a car (an operation akin to dodging raindrops in the monsoon)? What is the secret of her bullying neighbor Mrs. Islam? What is a Hell's Angel? And how must she comfort the naïve and disillusioned Chanu? As a good Muslim girl, Nazneen struggles to not question why things happen. She submits, as she must, to Fate and devotes herself to her husband and daughters. Yet to her amazement, she begins an affair with a handsome young radical, and her erotic awakening throws her old certainties into chaos. Monica Ali’s splendid novel is about journeys both external and internal, where the marvelous and the terrifying spiral together.… (plus d'informations)
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» Voir aussi les 276 mentions

I don't remember much about this book ... only that it was rather interesting, but so long I finally lost grasp.
  rft | Aug 7, 2009 |
Comme d'autres lecteurs ici je l'ai trouvé assez long. J'ai du mal à comprendre l'engouement autour de ce livre. Les personnages sont attachants, certes, mais je pense surtout que l'auteur a réussi à fabriquer une histoire dans l'air du temps, peut-être un peu consensuelle. Le milieu, l'univers qu'elle s'attache à décrire font mouche. Mais vraiment je trouve ce roman sur-évalué. ( )
  R2F | Nov 23, 2007 |
Une famille immigrée du Bangladesh survit dans les HLM de Londres. Les traditions qui maintiennent à peu près la famille unie vont bien sur voler en éclats.
  briconcella | Mar 1, 2007 |
3 sur 3

» Ajouter d'autres auteur(e)s (11 possibles)

Nom de l'auteurRôleType d'auteurŒuvre ?Statut
Ali, Monicaauteur principaltoutes les éditionsconfirmé
Björkhem, AnnTraducteurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Perria, LidiaTraducteurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Risvik, KariOvers.auteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Watanabe, KyokoConcepteurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé

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'Sternly, remorselessly, fate guides each of us; only at the beginning, when we're absorbed in details, in all sorts of nonsense, in ourselves, are we unaware of its harsh hand.' - Ivan Turgenev
'A man's character is his fate.' - Heraclitus
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For Abba, with love
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An hour and forty-five minutes before Nazneen's life began - began as it would proceed for quite some time, that is to say uncertainly - her mother Rupban felt an iron fist squeeze her belly.
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Chanu stopped and looked in a shop window.'Seventy five pounds for that little bag. You couldn't fit even one book into it.'
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Wikipédia en anglais (1)

-- Sisterland After an arranged marriage to Chanu, a man twenty years older, Nazneen is taken to London, leaving her home and heart in the Bangladeshi village where she was born. Her new world is full of mysteries. How can she cross the road without being hit by a car (an operation akin to dodging raindrops in the monsoon)? What is the secret of her bullying neighbor Mrs. Islam? What is a Hell's Angel? And how must she comfort the naïve and disillusioned Chanu? As a good Muslim girl, Nazneen struggles to not question why things happen. She submits, as she must, to Fate and devotes herself to her husband and daughters. Yet to her amazement, she begins an affair with a handsome young radical, and her erotic awakening throws her old certainties into chaos. Monica Ali’s splendid novel is about journeys both external and internal, where the marvelous and the terrifying spiral together.

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Moyenne: (3.44)
0.5 5
1 40
1.5 6
2 122
2.5 29
3 378
3.5 108
4 448
4.5 27
5 133

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