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Pre-Gay L.A.: A Social History of the…

Pre-Gay L.A.: A Social History of the Movement for Homosexual Rights (édition 2009)

par C. Todd White

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241977,208 (3.5)Aucun
This book explores the origins and history of the modern American movement for homosexual rights, which originated in Los Angeles in the late 1940s and continues today. Part ethnography and part social history, it is a detailed account of the history of the movement as manifested through the emergence of four related organizations: Mattachine, ONE Incorporated, the Homosexual Information Center (HIC), and the Institute for the Study of Human Resources (ISHR), which began doing business as ONE Incorporated when the two organizations merged in 1995. Pre-Gay L.A. is a chronicle of how one clandestine special interest association emerged as a powerful political force that spawned several other organizations over a period of more than sixty years.   Relying on extended interviews with participants as well as a full review of the archives of the Homosexual Information Center, C. Todd White unearths the institutional histories of the gay and lesbian rights movement and the myriad personalities involved, including Mattachine founder Harry Hay; ONE Magazine editors Dale Jennings, Donald Slater, and Irma Wolf; ONE Incorporated founder Dorr Legg; and many others. Fighting to decriminalize homosexuality and to obtain equal rights, the viable organizations that these individuals helped to establish significantly impacted legal policies not only in Los Angeles but across the United States, affecting the lives of most of us living in America today.… (plus d'informations)
Titre:Pre-Gay L.A.: A Social History of the Movement for Homosexual Rights
Auteurs:C. Todd White
Info:University of Illinois Press (2009), Edition: 1st Edition, Paperback, 280 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque, H - Social Sciences

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Pre-Gay L.A.: A Social History of the Movement for Homosexual Rights par C. Todd White


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The book reads almost entirely as a defense of Don Slater and those that followed him in their prolonged squabble with the faction led by W. Dorr Legg. (not to say that Legg was an angel) The book all too often strays from the history into distracting and petty attacks and commentary about other authors and their works.
A slightly more balanced approach and a good editor could make this work shine. ( )
  MichaelC.Oliveira | Feb 9, 2013 |
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The anthropologist engages in peculiar work. He or she tries to understand a different culture to the point of finding it to be intelligible regardless of how strange it seems in comparison with one's own background. This is accomplished by attempting to experience the new culture from within, living in it for a time as a member, all the while maintaining sufficient detachment to observe and analyze it with some objectivity. This peculiar posture - being inside and outside at the same time - is called participant observation. It is a fruitful paradox, one that has allowed anthropologists to find sense and purpose within a society's seeming illogical and arbitrary customs and beliefs ... Working with one's society, and more specifically with one's ethic and familial heritage, is perilous, and much more difficult. Yet it has a certain validity and value not available in other circumstances
- Barbara Myerhoff, Number Our Days, page 18
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This book, part ethnobiography and part social history, is the result of my eight-year  exploration of the origins and history of the movement for homosexual rights, which originated in Los Angeles, California, in the late 1940s and continues today.
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This book explores the origins and history of the modern American movement for homosexual rights, which originated in Los Angeles in the late 1940s and continues today. Part ethnography and part social history, it is a detailed account of the history of the movement as manifested through the emergence of four related organizations: Mattachine, ONE Incorporated, the Homosexual Information Center (HIC), and the Institute for the Study of Human Resources (ISHR), which began doing business as ONE Incorporated when the two organizations merged in 1995. Pre-Gay L.A. is a chronicle of how one clandestine special interest association emerged as a powerful political force that spawned several other organizations over a period of more than sixty years.   Relying on extended interviews with participants as well as a full review of the archives of the Homosexual Information Center, C. Todd White unearths the institutional histories of the gay and lesbian rights movement and the myriad personalities involved, including Mattachine founder Harry Hay; ONE Magazine editors Dale Jennings, Donald Slater, and Irma Wolf; ONE Incorporated founder Dorr Legg; and many others. Fighting to decriminalize homosexuality and to obtain equal rights, the viable organizations that these individuals helped to establish significantly impacted legal policies not only in Los Angeles but across the United States, affecting the lives of most of us living in America today.

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