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Commencement (Vintage Contemporaries) par J.…

Commencement (Vintage Contemporaries) (édition 2010)

par J. Courtney Sullivan (Auteur)

MembresCritiquesPopularitéÉvaluation moyenneMentions
8384827,164 (3.27)23
Titre:Commencement (Vintage Contemporaries)
Auteurs:J. Courtney Sullivan (Auteur)
Info:Vintage (2010), 432 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

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Les Débutantes par J. Courtney Sullivan


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» Voir aussi les 23 mentions

Affichage de 1-5 de 48 (suivant | tout afficher)
Currently trying to read it but so far not impressed... I read as much as I'm going to - not my kind of book - sorry.
  Wren73 | Mar 4, 2022 |
I enjoyed the book for the most part, the ending was too abrupt and the past and "present" were somewhat disjointed. I really liked Celia and the themes of friendship and women's issues. ( )
  mbellucci | Apr 10, 2021 |
I am so naive! Who knew all that stereotypical stuff happens at a women's college like Smith- Lordy! ( )
  Betsy_Crumley | Jan 28, 2021 |
Sort of a lightweight, updated 'The Group'. I'd stick with 'The Group'. But it was a fun vacation read... ( )
  giovannaz63 | Jan 18, 2021 |
Parts were a little far-fetched, but Sullivan perfectly captures life at a women's college. I didn't go to Smith, but I recognized so much of the culture and tradition from my own women's college that I was laughing aloud through much of the book.

If you've experienced life at a women's college, settle in with Commencement and an Indigo Girls mix, and be prepared for a trip down memory lane. ( )
  bookishkris | Nov 19, 2018 |
Affichage de 1-5 de 48 (suivant | tout afficher)
Sullivan’s gifts are substantial. By the end you’re rooting for her to let her storytelling talents roam out into less protected territory.
J. Courtney Sullivan’s “Commencement” is one of this year’s most inviting summer novels.
Even as several subplots take soapy turns, the author manages to find that sweet spot between Serious Literature and chick lit. Commencement is a beach book for smart women — and the girls they once were.
Readable, but dated and lackluster.
ajouté par Shortride | modifierKirkus Reviews, a (May 15, 2009)
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For my parents, Eugene F. Sullivan Jr. and Joyce Gallagher Sullivan
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Celia woke with a gasp.
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Sometimes April worried that she’d been built without some fundamental piece that everyone else had that just let them deal. Even her mother, who got involved in every lefty cause she could, seemed to be able to shake it all off at the end of the day and enjoy life. But the evil in the world, everywhere you looked, was always on April’s mind.
She had once joked about how it was illegal to buy liquor in Massachusetts on Sundays or on holidays, so her Irish relatives would always stock up beforehand. (Right before Independence Day each year, Celia said, her grandfather would announce, “If you want to have a great Fourth, buy a fifth on the third!”)
This was something Sally hadn’t realized about weddings until she started planning one – no matter how simple, they were never just about the bride and groom. Those in attendance who were in love felt all the happier, their love strengthened by being in the presence of a new, hopeful marriage. For those who hadn’t been lucky in love, a wedding was like a bad paper cut – annoying and painful and impossible to ignore.
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