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Alex Cross's TRIAL par James Patterson

Alex Cross's TRIAL (édition 2009)

par James Patterson (Auteur)

Séries: Alex Cross (1)

MembresCritiquesPopularitéÉvaluation moyenneMentions
2,538575,987 (3.76)41
Detective Alex Cross tells the story of an ancestor, Abraham Cross, and his experiences with lawyer Ben Corbett, recounting one man's pursuit of justice in the face of the resurgence of Ku Klux Klan racism and violence in 1906 Eudora, Mississippi.
Titre:Alex Cross's TRIAL
Auteurs:James Patterson (Auteur)
Info:Little, Brown and Company (2009), Edition: 1st, 514 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

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Alex Cross's TRIAL par James Patterson


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» Voir aussi les 41 mentions

Affichage de 1-5 de 57 (suivant | tout afficher)
loved this book! it is part of the Alex Cross series, but you can read it as a stand alone. It is the book "Trial" that the main character Alex Cross is writing. It is written as historical fiction (which I normally don't like) I loved this one! ( )
  Asauer72 | Jul 3, 2023 |
This was a good book but should have been a stand alone historical fiction. In no way should this have been part of the Alex Cross series, just feels like a cheap way to cash in on the popularity of the series and sell a couple more books... ( )
  MrMet | Apr 28, 2023 |
This was a very good book and a fast read, once again, a la Patterson BUT skip this book if you want an Alex Cross book. This is NOT Alex Cross but we do get to know Nana. I sure love her and have since the very first Cross book.

This book is a story of racism and history of lynching and the unfairness towards the blacks in our country in the early part of the century. Good characters, good and horrifying story. I found it very hard to put down as I was anxious as to what would happen next. Things like this always amaze me, not just in the atrocities that people perform against one another but also in the courage of people standing up for what they believe in no matter what the costs.

Once again, a very good book just not a true Alex Cross book. Could be skipped in the series if that is what you are wanting to read or read as a stand alone book without knowing anything about Alex and his family. ( )
  KyleneJones | Apr 25, 2022 |
Wow, this is the best Alex Cross book yet-and it does not even feature Alex Cross:)
This book takes place during in 1907 in Euphora, Mississippi where a white lawyer-Ben Corbett (a well known Washington attorney who takes on charity cases and is known to champion the "colored/negroe" cause)-is sent by President Theodore Roosevelt to his hometown in Mississippi to investigate rumors of escalating Klan lynchings and has him hook with Alex Cross's heroic ancestor Abraham Cross. The story is face paced, heart wrenching and thrilling. The details of the lynchings are historically accurate and sickening, what a sad embarrassing time for this country, one of many.
Why when there are so many ways to respect and honor do we constantly look for ways to divide and disrespect? ( )
  LoisSusan | Dec 10, 2020 |
Woah, Mr Patterson. As someone who is reading and enjoying the Alex Cross books in order,I was shocked by this book. A little bit of warning was necessary! This is a book about Alex's great uncle Abraham Cross in the era of the KKK. I think this book needs to be read to understand it fully and this review isnt going to give you much info.
I found it too gripping to put down. I often struggle with books around racism. I find them so difficult to read. I think it's because I often put myself into the story too much and its almost like I can feel the pain and suffering that black people went through. This was one of those types of books for me. Although the story is a little farfetched at times, I was still fully immersed and it meant that I had to finish it to know what happens.
And thats it,
I dont feel like I can write anymore about it. ( )
  Nataliec7 | Aug 12, 2016 |
Affichage de 1-5 de 57 (suivant | tout afficher)
Readers will have to discover the adventure for themselves.
ajouté par Shortride | modifierBookpage, Joanna Brichetto (Aug 1, 2009)
Detective Alex Cross tells the story of an ancestor, Abraham Cross, and his experiences with lawyer Ben Corbett, recounting one man's pursuit of justice in the face of the resurgence of Ku Klux Klan racism and violence in 1906 Eudora, Mississippi.
ajouté par kthomp25 | modifierChildren's Literature Reviews
A good book from one of America's most prolific and loved authors. You can't go wrong with that combination.

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James Pattersonauteur principaltoutes les éditionscalculé
DiLallo, Richardauteur principaltoutes les éditionsconfirmé

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For Susan, of course
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A few months after I hunted a vicious killer named the Tiger halfway around the world, I began to think seriously about a book I had been wanting to write for years.
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Wikipédia en anglais (2)

Detective Alex Cross tells the story of an ancestor, Abraham Cross, and his experiences with lawyer Ben Corbett, recounting one man's pursuit of justice in the face of the resurgence of Ku Klux Klan racism and violence in 1906 Eudora, Mississippi.

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1 9
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3.5 23
4 98
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