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King of the Screwups par K. L. Going

King of the Screwups (édition 2009)

par K. L. Going

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After getting in trouble yet again, popular high school senior Liam, who never seems to live up to his wealthy father's expectations, is sent to live in a trailer park with his gay "glam-rocker" uncle.
Titre:King of the Screwups
Auteurs:K. L. Going
Info:Harcourt Children's Books (2009), Edition: 1, Hardcover, 320 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

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King of the Screwups par K. L. Going


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Loved this book. Great story about learning to accept yourself for who you are. ( )
  mtlkch | Jun 21, 2016 |
The adult characters were mostly cut from cardboard. Come to think of it, so were the kids. This was a very issue-driven book, which left little room for character development- in fact, the main character stays pretty much the same until the last 20 pages. I had a lot of trouble finding anyone to like in the book, but it was worth finishing just to see how the protagonist (whose name I've forgotten not 10 minutes after I closed the book) would inevitably wake up and smell the Hugo Boss. ( )
  satyridae | Apr 5, 2013 |
K. L. Goings has once again written an excellent YA novel. This book introduces Liam Geller, who's parents are famous and his dad never fails to let his son know how much of a disappointment he is to him. Finally having had enough after one too many drunken parties, his dad kicks him out and he's sent to live with his uncle Peter who's gay, in a glam rock bank and lives in a trailer in the middle of BFE practically. Along the way,
Liam learns to accept himself how he truly is, and despite what his dad always tells him, that he isn't a screw up at all, just simply,
Liam. I definitely recommend this book to everyone who enjoys a good YA novel. ( )
  kissmeimgone | Oct 6, 2012 |
Liam Geller seems to have it all. Immense popularity, good looks, a supermodel mom, a rich genius CEO dad. What he can't seem to get is his father's approval. When his dad catches Liam with a barely-clothed girl on his dad's office desk, his dad declares Liam banished from the household. Rather than live with his crodgy grandparents, Liam arranges to move in with his mom's estranged brother, the cross-dressing lead singer of a failed glam-rock cover band who lives in a trailer. "Aunt" Pete is a culture shock for Liam, but it is there that he discovers what is important. A laugh-out-loud story with characters that any high school student can relate to. ( )
  TigerLMS | Jul 28, 2011 |
I would recommend this. The book was good because Liam, the main character, gets in trouble a lot. He tries not to, but he can't help it.
3Q, 3P; Cover Art: Okay.
This book is best suited for higschoolers.
It was selected because it was a reminder of oneself, and it looked good.
Grade (of reviewer): 10th
  edspicer | Mar 14, 2011 |
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After getting in trouble yet again, popular high school senior Liam, who never seems to live up to his wealthy father's expectations, is sent to live in a trailer park with his gay "glam-rocker" uncle.

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