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Matters of the Heart: A Novel par Danielle…

Matters of the Heart: A Novel (édition 2010)

par Danielle Steel (Auteur)

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7961128,987 (3.12)10
In this spellbinding blend of suspense and human drama, top photographer Hope Dunne fights to escape a mesmerizing sociopath who holds her in his thrall after she accepts a last-minute assignment to fly to London at Christmas and photograph one of the world's most celebrated writers--an Irish-American author known for novels of thrilling literary darkness.… (plus d'informations)
Titre:Matters of the Heart: A Novel
Auteurs:Danielle Steel (Auteur)
Info:Dell (2010), Edition: Reprint, 416 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque
Mots-clés:Danielle Steel, matters of the heart

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Matters of the Heart par Danielle Steel


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» Voir aussi les 10 mentions

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Was an interesting read. ( )
  serlinarose | Feb 28, 2023 |
I think this book is a good way to get yourself very angry. I stayed mad throughout the entire book! The writing style was different than what I'm used to as well, I came off of two books that were all first person so having random other peoples thoughts mixed in with Hopes was confusing at first. Was eye opening though my aunt wanted me to read it as we have a relative that married someone like this, not on this big of a scale though it's still quite disgusting to read her thoughts as she goes through it. Have something to punch handy, or someone to yell at! I called my aunt constantly to yell at her for making me read the book, although I did enjoy it in the end ;P ( )
  ashezbookz | Oct 20, 2020 |
Ik vond dit zeker geen slecht boek ondanks de niet zo positieve commentaren. Het is geschreven in begrijpelijk engels voor anderstaligen. ( )
  Beullens | May 4, 2016 |
Decent book. Not as much depth as I would have liked. ( )
  soosthemoose | Jun 1, 2014 |
Tras un divorcio demoledor, Hope Dunne ha logrado encontrar la fuerza necesaria para sobrevivir centrándose en su profesión, la fotografía. Desde el refugio de su loft neoyorkino, Hope se ha acostumbrado a la soledad y a sentir emociones solo a través de la lente de su cámara.
Pero todo su aparente equilibrio fluctuará cuando acepte un encargo inesperado y viaje hasta Londres para retratar a un famoso escritor, Finn O'Neill.
Hope se dejará seducir por la amabilidad del atractivo autor, que no dudará en cortejarla desde el primer momento y la convencerá para que vaya a vivir con él a su mansión en Irlanda. En cuestión de días Hope se hallará perdidamente enamorada de este hombre de carisma e inteligencia arrolladores, y volcada en una relación que avanza a un ritmo vertiginoso.
  biblioesti | Jun 18, 2013 |
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In this spellbinding blend of suspense and human drama, top photographer Hope Dunne fights to escape a mesmerizing sociopath who holds her in his thrall after she accepts a last-minute assignment to fly to London at Christmas and photograph one of the world's most celebrated writers--an Irish-American author known for novels of thrilling literary darkness.

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