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She Comes First: The Thinking Man's…

She Comes First: The Thinking Man's Guide to Pleasuring a Woman (Kerner) (original 2004; édition 2009)

par Ian Kerner (Auteur)

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688934,780 (4.08)3
Ian Kerner offers a radical new philosophy for pleasuring women in She Comes First-an essential guidebook to oral sex from the author of Be Honest-You're Not That Into Him Either. The New York Times praises Kerner's "cool sense of humor and an obsessive desire to inform," as he "encourages men through an act that many find mystifying." An indispensable aid to a healthier, more fulfilling sex life for her and him, She Comes First offers techniques and philosophy that have already earned raves from the likes of bestselling author and Loveline co-host Dr. Drew Pinsky as well as Playgirl magazine, which cheers, "Hallelujah!".… (plus d'informations)
Titre:She Comes First: The Thinking Man's Guide to Pleasuring a Woman (Kerner)
Auteurs:Ian Kerner (Auteur)
Info:William Morrow Paperbacks (2010), Edition: Reprint, 240 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

Information sur l'oeuvre

She Comes First: The Thinking Man's Guide to Pleasuring a Woman par Ian Kerner (2004)


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» Voir aussi les 3 mentions

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A nice guide to giving pleasure to a woman through oral stimulation. It talks about the psychology as well as the steps of the process. At some points it goes into great detail describing the specific actions and thought process.
I believe it is a great manual for a guy to learn how to give cunnilingus. ( )
  rubyman | Feb 21, 2024 |
This book can as well be called Gentleman's Guide to Female Orgasm. Loved it. Reading is just one half of the battle, internalising and applying is the other half. ( )
  harishwriter | Oct 12, 2023 |
As a woman, I know that I am not exactly the target audience for this book, but I decided to read it along with my husband. I thought this would be much better than guessing what the book was teaching men, and also open an effective line of communication on the subject. Even though I had read several positive reviews for the book prior to buying it, I was still very surprised by just how good it actually is. She Comes First is without question, the best non-fiction sex guide that I have read to date. It really hits the nail on the head when it comes to helping men understand a woman's body and what makes her tick, and the most amazing thing about that is it was written by a man.

In my opinion, one of the things that make this book work so well is the author's holistic approach to the female mind and body. Mr. Kerner has such a good grasp, not only on a woman's anatomy, but also on how a woman thinks, that I almost felt like he was inside my head while reading the book. The author's genuine care and concern for women resonates loud and clear throughout the book, and he makes a great case for why the woman's pleasure should come first. Any man who can read Mr. Kerner's words and truly take them heart will, in my opinion, have no trouble creating a healthy and fulfilling sexual relationship for both partners. The other thing that sets She Comes First above some other books is that it is a well-thought-out work, which never seems like a cheesy sex manual. I've seen a number of sex books which seem more like porn than realistically helpful instruction books. She Comes First keeps everything very simple and real. Mr. Kerner writes in a very down-to-earth style that is easy to relate to and understand. He does use a lot of literary analogies, which may not be everyone's cup of tea, but the information contained in them is still quite comprehensible even if the reader is not an English major. Also, while many sex books incorporate full-color photos (which is fine sometimes), She Comes First sticks with ordinary line drawings which keep the reader's focus on the substance of the text while enhancing the words with helpful illustrations. In addition, the chapters are very brief (generally only a few pages long), and several of the ones on technique include repetition in the form of quick reviews at the end of the chapter, making it perfect for the ofttimes shorter male attention span.

My husband was certainly willing to read She Comes First, but since he already reads quite a bit about sex and relationships on the internet, I think that he was perhaps a little skeptical that he would learn anything new and more importantly, that it would actually work. Well, I can honestly say that both of us were pleasantly surprised by just how effective the techniques can be. If this book could teach my husband, a normally attentive lover, a few new tricks, I can only imagine what it might do for other men who aren't quite as skilled or considerate. Of course, that's with the caveat that they are open-minded enough to not think they already know it all. In fact, I even learned a few things about my own body of which I wasn't previously aware: Who knew that the clitoris wasn't just the “love button,” but an entire network of eighteen different parts, all of which contribute to experiencing sexual pleasure? I sure didn't.

She Comes First is first and foremost an instruction manual for cunnilingus, as well as an argument for why this is the most effective way to pleasure a woman. Still, there are also chapters on incorporating manual stimulation (a very important complement to cunnilingus), transitioning to intercourse and practical information on safe sex, in addition to parts that touch very briefly on things such as toys, light bondage, and sexual concerns such as premature ejaculation. The first half of the book is primarily about female anatomy, while the second covers step-by-step techniques. I would warn any man who might be tempted to skip the first section to get to the “good stuff”, thinking that they already know these things, to think again. A woman's body is much more complex than it may seem at first glance, as I demonstrated with my earlier comment about the clitoris. If there are things that I didn't even know before reading this book, then it's pretty unlikely that men would either, and truly understanding the female body and all of its inner workings is key to being able to effectively pleasure it.

Overall, She Comes First is a book that I would highly recommend to both men and women. Any man who wants to have a happy, healthy sex life and truly know what a woman wants should definitely be reading this book. Women should also do themselves a favor by encouraging their lover to read it, or at the very least, leave it lying around where it can be easily found. She Comes First has definitely earned a permanent spot on my bedroom shelf, and I am eagerly looking forward to reading the companion book, Passionista (the retitled release of He Comes Next). Ian Kerner is also a regular contributor to several magazines and newspapers as well as making appearances on various television programs such as The Today Show. Now that I know his philosophies definitely match my own, I'll certainly be looking up his articles and interviews as well. All I can say it that if Mr. Kerner makes a habit of practicing what he preaches at home, his wife is one lucky lady.;-) ( )
  mom2lnb | Jul 30, 2023 |
Get your ego out of your partner’s orgasm! Yes, your partner’s pleasure is important…but it’s not about you winning a blue ribbon. ( )
  envyensor | Aug 12, 2021 |
Very detailed instructions ( )
  kevix | Dec 28, 2020 |
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Ian Kerner offers a radical new philosophy for pleasuring women in She Comes First-an essential guidebook to oral sex from the author of Be Honest-You're Not That Into Him Either. The New York Times praises Kerner's "cool sense of humor and an obsessive desire to inform," as he "encourages men through an act that many find mystifying." An indispensable aid to a healthier, more fulfilling sex life for her and him, She Comes First offers techniques and philosophy that have already earned raves from the likes of bestselling author and Loveline co-host Dr. Drew Pinsky as well as Playgirl magazine, which cheers, "Hallelujah!".

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