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Land of the Dead (In The Time of The Sixth…

Land of the Dead (In The Time of The Sixth Sun Book 3) (édition 2011)

par Thomas Harlan (Auteur)

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805346,183 (3.62)2
Gretchen Anderssen, freelance archeologist and specialist in First Sun artifacts, has been hired by her old mentor Green Hummingbird, agent of the Mirror Service, to join him in investigating an ancient weapon that could be used to destroy the interplanetary empire of Anuhuac, centered in Mexico City and the result of a centuries-old alliance between the Japanese samurais and the Aztecs.… (plus d'informations)
Titre:Land of the Dead (In The Time of The Sixth Sun Book 3)
Auteurs:Thomas Harlan (Auteur)
Info:Tor Books (2011), Edition: Reprint, 494 pages
Collections:Lus mais non possédés

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Land of the Dead par Thomas Harlan


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5 sur 5
I absolutely loved the worldbuilding, the end once the plot threads came together, and the prose, especially around the more mystical aspects of the universe. But the first three quarters of the book are too scattered and the quick cuts between places and sets of characters made it feel unfocused, and I didn't feel that I was spending enough time with characters to really get a feel for them, especially Susan.

On the bright side, though, Space Templars! ( )
  elucubrare | Apr 26, 2020 |
Hmm I read this. And I don't really remember the plot, just that it was mostly generic. Reading a bit of the description jogged a few memories, so hopefully my brief review will be helpful.

First, I like this universe. Between the old ones, the alternate history (Japan and the Aztec conquered Europe, instead other way around). But, its boggy in terminology. I'm not a big fan of the characters, they are mostly generic (except for the Hadeshi - he's is well written).

The plot goes more or less like this - something from the old ones is found, a powerful weapon that has unknown properties. Of course, everyone and their mother knows about it and sends a ship, including the two different empires of Earth, as well as a rebel group outside of the Earth Colonies.

Ships are destroyed, ships are fired upon and our plucky archeologist, Gretchen, breaks into a warship computer and figures out how to get at the artifact, allowing for all our leading characters to get the the weapon. Of course, stuff happens and everyone good makes it out, everyone bad dies, and the universe is saved.

Its a fairly generic story - and actually, the writing is just average. I'd suggest reading this series because of the alternate history, but the space opera stuff is rather bland. ( )
  TheDivineOomba | Jan 1, 2017 |
Horseshit! That’s pretty much all I’ve got to say about Land of the Dead. Horseshit! I loved the first two books in the In the Time of the Sixth Sun series. Wasteland of Flint was superior and I gave it a five star review. House of Reeds was nearly as good, a little too complicated, and for that I gave it a four star review, but I really enjoyed it and looked forward to the third installment in the series. Then I read it. I wish I hadn’t. This book was a horrible disappointment. It was simply stupid. Just stupid. Xenoarcheologist Gretchen Anderssen is back, helping Hummingbird and others look for a First Sun super weapon and in order to do so, she spends the book using computers to build models. Of something. I don’t know what, but something. Hummingbird joins her in this for part of the book, but this is what she spends the majority of the book doing. Hadeishi and Susan are back too. Toward the end of the book, Gretchen emerges from ship’s cabin and helps lead a party in looking for the weapon. Using her computer. Of course. Cause that’s all she does. You would swear she’s a computer scientist. Or a hacker. Not a xenoarcheologist. The climax of the book is typical of the series, but by that time, I was so pissed off, I really didn’t care. I wouldn’t recommend this book to anyone. For anyone reading this series, I would stop with the second book cause this will probably be a major disappointment. One star. ( )
  scottcholstad | Aug 11, 2016 |
I long awaited this installment of the Mexica Saga. You are brought back to the Life and Trials of Gretchen Anderssen, the machinations of Green Hummingbird and Hideishi. And on the backdrop is the ever chilling search for the great and deadly machineries of the 'First Sun' powers.

Like the first two books, you are treated to a deep adventure that steeps you in the sense of Deep Deep Time and slumbering giants that Green Hummingbird seeks to keep from Waking. Because to Wake these old powers could spell the End for Humanity.

A note for others, I don't want to call this a Trilogy, although when you are at the final chapter, you will be hard-pressed to see how the author could take you further down the path that was alluded to in "House of Reeds". A side story from that volume is still open and unfinished, even though it involves two other great characters, namely a wayward Princeling and the coldly manipulative Iztpalicue.

I can only hope that the Author will pen a final volume giving us the exploits of these two and the unseen terror that they unleased from the old, old world of Jagan. ( )
  Caragen87 | Apr 15, 2010 |
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Thomas Harlanauteur principaltoutes les éditionscalculé
Youll, PaulArtiste de la couvertureauteur secondairetoutes les éditionsconfirmé

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Wikipédia en anglais (1)

Gretchen Anderssen, freelance archeologist and specialist in First Sun artifacts, has been hired by her old mentor Green Hummingbird, agent of the Mirror Service, to join him in investigating an ancient weapon that could be used to destroy the interplanetary empire of Anuhuac, centered in Mexico City and the result of a centuries-old alliance between the Japanese samurais and the Aztecs.

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Moyenne: (3.62)
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