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Working with Tablesaws (New Best of Fine Woodworking)

par Editors of Fine Woodworking

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The tablesaw is the cornerstone of most shops, able to cut precise dados and rip full sheets of plywood with ease. Still, many woodworkers aren't using this tool to its full extent. This collection of articles from Fine Woodworking magazine remedies that. Written by experts, these 26 articles cover every aspect of the subject and is an ideal reference for woodworkers of all skill levels. Section 1 covers techniques, including a basic primer and articles on safety procedures, cutting coves, and template cutting. Section 2 on joinery features box joints, dovetails, and tenons. Section 3 goes deeper into safety aspects: dust-proofing, tablesaw guards, and preventing kickback. Section 4 explores reproducing a project and creating a one-stop cutting station. Section 5 covers shop made accessories. With plans and instructions for building a variety of jigs and accessories, and a wealth of color photos and black-and-white illustrations, Working with Tablesaws is a welcome addition to the home workshop library.… (plus d'informations)

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The tablesaw is the cornerstone of most shops, able to cut precise dados and rip full sheets of plywood with ease. Still, many woodworkers aren't using this tool to its full extent. This collection of articles from Fine Woodworking magazine remedies that. Written by experts, these 26 articles cover every aspect of the subject and is an ideal reference for woodworkers of all skill levels. Section 1 covers techniques, including a basic primer and articles on safety procedures, cutting coves, and template cutting. Section 2 on joinery features box joints, dovetails, and tenons. Section 3 goes deeper into safety aspects: dust-proofing, tablesaw guards, and preventing kickback. Section 4 explores reproducing a project and creating a one-stop cutting station. Section 5 covers shop made accessories. With plans and instructions for building a variety of jigs and accessories, and a wealth of color photos and black-and-white illustrations, Working with Tablesaws is a welcome addition to the home workshop library.

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