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A Man Named Dave: A Story of Triumph and Forgiveness (1999)

par Dave Pelzer

Séries: Dave Pelzer (3)

MembresCritiquesPopularitéÉvaluation moyenneMentions
2,808305,298 (3.68)24
As an adult, Dave Pelzer still struggles with the effects of his abusive childhood. This is the inspiring conclusion to his previous New York Times best-sellers: A Child Called It and The Lost Boy. Recounting his fears and insecurities, Dave traces his path to personal victory. Today, he is a noted speaker on the prevention of child abuse.… (plus d'informations)

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» Voir aussi les 24 mentions

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Die Fortsetzung des New York Times-Bestsellers "Der verlorene Sohn": Obwohl Dave beruflich Karriere macht, kann er sich von den Albträumen seiner Kindheit nur schwer lösen. Einzig die Geburt seines Sohnes ist ein wahrer Lichtblick für ihn: Ihm will Dave all die Wärme und Geborgenheit schenken, die er selbst so schmerzlich vermisst hat. (
  Hoppetosse1 | Jan 22, 2024 |
een verhaal over verwerken en vergeven
  nageltje | Dec 22, 2020 |
Pelzer finishes his trio of memoirs by writing of his time following high school, joining the Air Force and learning to overcome his upbringing as an abused child to become a functioning member of society. It's unfortunate that David had to gain coping skills the hard way but he has done a remarkable job in learning to manage his emotions, deal with his dysfunctional family and engage in a successful relationship with his son. It's rare that a memoirist treats the reader to the full scope of his or her journey, so this is quite a welcome resolution. I wish Pelzer the best as he continues through life. ( )
  EmScape | Apr 28, 2019 |
Boken är en uppföljare till “Pojken som kallades det”. Det är en väldigt sorglig och hemsk berättelse om vad en ung pojke får uppleva under sin uppväxt. Uppföljaren visar hur stark pojken var trots allt han gick igenom. Tragisk historia men som många egentligen går igenom. ( )
  amnwar | Sep 12, 2017 |
Very well written. I found this third part of Dave's series to be very different than the other two - leaving the theme of child abuse in the first one, overcoming child abuse in the second one to living a fulfilling and productive life and contributing to society. He lives a life that he will not live a life of pity and does whatever he can to overcome it. Well don Mr. Pelzer, you are a great esamble to us all. ( )
  berthashaver | Sep 1, 2017 |
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To the lady who gave her all to make me the man I am today, my lovely bride, my best friend, Mrs. Marsha Pelzer. You make me whole and will forever be my Princess.

To my son, Stephen, I can never tell you how precious you are and how much you have changed my life for the better. Everything I do, I do for you.

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I'm scared.
[Epilogue] Without a care in the world, I sip chamagne as I gaze at the clear blue ocean.
[Perspectives - Dave Pelzer] As I enter midlife, even to this day it is difficult for me to fully understand the magnitude of what happened to me as a child.
[Perspectives - Claire Frazier-Yzaguirre, M. Div., MFCC] As a full-time marriage and family therapist, I have been involved for many years with people who've suffered childhood trauma with its tremendous impact in their lives as adults.
[Perspectives - Stephen Pelzer] Over the past thirteen years my dad has done so much for me and for many other people.
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As an adult, Dave Pelzer still struggles with the effects of his abusive childhood. This is the inspiring conclusion to his previous New York Times best-sellers: A Child Called It and The Lost Boy. Recounting his fears and insecurities, Dave traces his path to personal victory. Today, he is a noted speaker on the prevention of child abuse.

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1 14
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4 118
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5 114

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