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Thats What the Man Said: The Sayings of Jesus

par Maxie Dunnam

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"Look with new eyes and listen with a fresh heart"-this is the approach Maxie Dunnam urges us to take as we consider the fifteen sayings of Jesus that form the basis for That's What the Man Said. "These sayings," writes Dr. Dunnam, "are tough sayings, demanding sayings, comforting sayings, bracing sayings, judging sayings." These sayings can guide and strengthen us as we attempt to live with purpose and meaning as Christians. Alongside a devotional commentary on the fifteen sayings, Dr. Dunnam provides exercises and guidance for reflection and writing. These exercises help the reader experience the sayings more fully and appropriate and integrate their meaning into daily life. In addition, at the end of the book are questions relating to each chapter that will enable the individual reader to move deeper into the sayings and help the group leader facilitate group discussion. In this book Dr. Dunnam deals with such topics as trusting God, making choices, forgiveness, valuing our humanness, being as Christian as we are, becoming like a child, being unworthy servants, cross-bearing discipleship, friendship with Jesus, having the poor with us always, and asking the question, "How deep is down?" Book jacket.… (plus d'informations)

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LCC canonique

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"Look with new eyes and listen with a fresh heart"-this is the approach Maxie Dunnam urges us to take as we consider the fifteen sayings of Jesus that form the basis for That's What the Man Said. "These sayings," writes Dr. Dunnam, "are tough sayings, demanding sayings, comforting sayings, bracing sayings, judging sayings." These sayings can guide and strengthen us as we attempt to live with purpose and meaning as Christians. Alongside a devotional commentary on the fifteen sayings, Dr. Dunnam provides exercises and guidance for reflection and writing. These exercises help the reader experience the sayings more fully and appropriate and integrate their meaning into daily life. In addition, at the end of the book are questions relating to each chapter that will enable the individual reader to move deeper into the sayings and help the group leader facilitate group discussion. In this book Dr. Dunnam deals with such topics as trusting God, making choices, forgiveness, valuing our humanness, being as Christian as we are, becoming like a child, being unworthy servants, cross-bearing discipleship, friendship with Jesus, having the poor with us always, and asking the question, "How deep is down?" Book jacket.

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