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A Woman After God's Own Heart par…

A Woman After God's Own Heart (original 1997; édition 2006)

par Elizabeth George

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1,527812,384 (4.26)3
Make His desire your own... become the woman of excellence God designed you to be. Genuine peace and joy come when women follow God in every area of their livesand become women after His heart. With warmth and grace, Elizabeth George shares practical, scriptural insights on how you can pursue Gods priorities concerningyour walk with the Lord (grow through love of Scripture and in discipleship), your ministry (learn to reach out and become an encourager),your home (create a nurturing atmosphere and a tapestry of beauty),your husband (foster a deep commitment to serve and honor him), andyour children (pray faithfully for them and teach them Gods Word). Let God fulfill His greatest desire for you. Allow Him to transform you by preparing your heart and mind to embrace His incredible work. Youll find lasting joy and peace in a life of prayer, a life of priorities, a life as A Woman After Gods Own Heart .… (plus d'informations)
Titre:A Woman After God's Own Heart
Auteurs:Elizabeth George
Info:Harvest House Publishers (2006), Edition: Exp Upd, Paperback, 320 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

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A Woman After God's Own Heart par Elizabeth George (1997)


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Genuine peace and joy come when women follow God in every area of their lives. The practical and scriptural insights in this book show how you can pursue God's priorities concerning : your husband, children, your home, your walk with the Lord and your ministry.
There are other books in this library written by this author.
  MenoraChurch | Nov 8, 2023 |
Here is a summary of what the book is about. Change Your Priorities to Change Your Life and Your Home
You will experience peace, order, and joy when you follow God's guidelines for every area of your life, and best of all, you will become a woman after His heart!
Elizabeth George shares God's Word and woman-to-woman practical wisdom on how you can pursue God's priorities by...
* putting God first in your day, your heart, and your life
* improving your relationships with family and friends
* building a strong bond with your husband
* raising your children to follow Jesus and make right choices
* growing in your service to others
As you embrace God's plans for you, you will find real purpose in a life of prayer and practicing God's priorities as you become A Woman After God's Own Heart.

I absolutely loved this book. my close friend gave me this book for Christmas. I could not put it down. It is a wonderful read. I would recommend that everyone who believes in God should read this book. Elizabeth George is my new favorite author. Looking forward to reading more books by her.

Happy Reading Everyone! ( )
  ErinAyin | Jan 19, 2022 |
An enjoyable read which discussing some challenging topics. The underlying focus of this book is to talk about priorities in a woman's life and how these shape her through life. Who you are in 10 years will be determined by your goals and choices and the things you choose to focus on.
The main areas she lists (in order of priority) are:
#1 - God
#2 - Your husband (if you are married)
#3 - Your children (if you have any)
#4 - Your home
#5 - Your spiritual growth
#5 - Your ministry activities
#6 - Other activities

And she emphasises that this must be filled in order of priority. For example, you should prioritise your relationship with your husband (#2) higher than your children (#3), or your relationship with your children (#3) higher than your hobbies (#6), or most importantly, your relationship with God (#1) over all these things. Her point is not that these things are bad, but like a reverse Maslow's hierarchy of needs, you should make sure that your choices in life are prioritising things in the order of the pyramid, so that your life follows God's will and does not get out of balance, which has the potential to destroy the relationships that are being ignored.

I like how the author gets straight to the point and doesn't waffle on. She covered many topics in each chapter, had a lot of advice from her own life or other influential authors she has read. This book is definitely one I will return to and think about more over the coming months.
( )
1 voter DeborahJade | Dec 25, 2017 |
  OCMCCP | Nov 29, 2011 |
Definitely reinforced my upbringing in regards to being a proverbs 31 woman and homemaker. ( )
  catmommie | Jun 11, 2011 |
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To my cherished friends and daughters, Katherine George Zaengle and Courtney George Seitz, who share my deep desire to become women after God's own heart.
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Imagine living life so that people thought of each of us - today and long after we're gone - as a woman after God's own heart!
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Make His desire your own... become the woman of excellence God designed you to be. Genuine peace and joy come when women follow God in every area of their livesand become women after His heart. With warmth and grace, Elizabeth George shares practical, scriptural insights on how you can pursue Gods priorities concerningyour walk with the Lord (grow through love of Scripture and in discipleship), your ministry (learn to reach out and become an encourager),your home (create a nurturing atmosphere and a tapestry of beauty),your husband (foster a deep commitment to serve and honor him), andyour children (pray faithfully for them and teach them Gods Word). Let God fulfill His greatest desire for you. Allow Him to transform you by preparing your heart and mind to embrace His incredible work. Youll find lasting joy and peace in a life of prayer, a life of priorities, a life as A Woman After Gods Own Heart .

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