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A Letter to Amy (Picture Puffin Books) par…

A Letter to Amy (Picture Puffin Books) (original 1968; édition 1998)

par Ezra Jack Keats (Auteur)

Séries: Peter (4)

MembresCritiquesPopularitéÉvaluation moyenneMentions
1,72216310,344 (4.08)4
Peter wants to invite Amy to his birthday party but he wants it to be a surprise.
Titre:A Letter to Amy (Picture Puffin Books)
Auteurs:Ezra Jack Keats (Auteur)
Info:Puffin Books (1998), Edition: Reprint, 32 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque
Mots-clés:Social Moral Development, Friendship, Self-concept

Information sur l'oeuvre

A Letter to Amy par Ezra Jack Keats (1968)


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» Voir aussi les 4 mentions

Affichage de 1-5 de 162 (suivant | tout afficher)
The story revolves around Peter, who is about to have a birthday party. There’s one special person he wants to invite: Amy, a girl. Instead of asking her directly, Peter decides to write her a letter and mail it. However, things take an unexpected turn when he bumps into Amy at the mailbox. Will she come to his party? ( )
  chelle831 | Jun 10, 2024 |
"It looks like rain. You'd better stay in, Willie," warns Peter dashing out to mail the letter inviting Amy to his birthday party, and the storm—lowering clouds, explosive lighting, wind and water and glistening sidewalks—is as vital here, transforming the look and feel of the city, as the snow in The Snowy Day. The wind blows the letter out of his hand, almost to Amy running toward him, and he knocks her down trying to get it away and into the mailbox; will she be too angry to come? Then the party: the boys are waiting impatiently when Amy arrives with her parrot, who repeats after her—"HAAPPY BIRRRTHDAY, PEEETERRR!" In a refreshing switch, the kids are dis-integrated: all but one is black, or rather varying shades of brown. Other apt touches: the lightning that crosses from the flaps to the endpapers, the mailbox as imposing as a Buckingham Palace guard. In toto, a top artist in top form.- A Kirkus Starred Review,
  CDJLibrary | Jan 19, 2024 |
Independent Reading Level: Grades PreK-2
Awards: Best Seller ( )
  leahedwards10 | Dec 6, 2023 |
This book is about a boy name peter who wanted to invite his friend Amy to his birthday. To make sure she know how much he wants her to come, he writes her a letter inviting her to his party. Children can learn about communication and friendship from the story.
Ages: 3-5
Source: Pierce College Library ( )
  shersimo | Mar 27, 2023 |
A little boy is having a birthday party with all his friends. He has one friend who is extra special so he would like to send her an invitation in the mail.
  Ashlie_Kimbel | Mar 19, 2023 |
Affichage de 1-5 de 162 (suivant | tout afficher)
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Peter (4)
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For Augusta Baker
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"I'm writing a letter to Amy.  I'm inviting her to my party," Peter announced.
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Wikipédia en anglais (1)

Peter wants to invite Amy to his birthday party but he wants it to be a surprise.

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Moyenne: (4.08)
1 3
2 2
3 24
3.5 3
4 26
4.5 9
5 43

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