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The Limerick par G. Legman

The Limerick (édition 1988)

par G. Legman (Directeur de publication)

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5481145,836 (3.92)4
This is the classic collections of Limericks. Written by people of all nations in ribald and bawdy situations. Most of the risque verse is written in English but some are in French, German, and Latin and appear exactly as they were in the 1957 edition that was privately printed in Paris.
Titre:The Limerick
Auteurs:G. Legman
Info:Random House Value Publishing (1988), Edition: New edition, Hardcover, 528 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

Information sur l'oeuvre

The Limerick par Gershon Legman (Editor)


Prêté 2016-04-20

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» Voir aussi les 4 mentions

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1700 very naughty limericks. You wouldn’t want to know about a more complete collection. ( )
  Fiddleback_ | May 28, 2024 |
What a vile, depraved, offensive, WONDERFUL volume. Gershon Legman was a fascinating and eccentric individual of the 20th century, obsessed with sex but also determined to bring America out of its needlessly repressed ways. (And also apparently a key contributor in bringing the origami fad to the Western world... Go figure.) This book was famously published in France rather than the US when Legman couldn't find a publisher, and because of this, he found himself without any copyright over the volume.

There are many variations on this publication, as a result, but my Panther edition collects 1700 limericks in two volumes. The first volume includes a decent introductory essay on the history of the poetic form, and the second volume contains a short "rhyming dictionary" at the end. Both volumes give extensive (and often dirty) notes on the limericks.

Every possible topic is covered - from incest and coprophilia to necrophilia and prostitution. If you're in any way offended by things, this may not be for you, and truthfully I hope no-one is completely comfortable with all 1700 poems herein! But the importance of Legman's work was just as much to challenge our assumptions, to make us - and particularly Americans - aware that their society's repression wasn't necessarily natural, that the "dirtiness" of 5-line poems was a completely legitimate way of enjoying oneself. Most interestingly in his inroduction, Legman comments that limericks are much more popular amongst the highly-educated. He suggests that the ornate fringes of the poetry, the inter-rhymes, the deceptively innocent opening lines, they all attract people more subtly attuned to the nuances of the joke, while the slight pretention makes them less attractive to people for whom dirty jokes alone are attractive. I think there's also the fact that, because limericks can be so depraved, they require a mind who can enjoy the joke without necessarily endorsing the sentiment in real life. If this cheeky volume is evidence, it's well worth it. ( )
  therebelprince | Apr 21, 2024 |
Rated: F ( )
  jmcdbooks | Jan 28, 2013 |
Yes they are x-rated, and yes, yes, yes funny. ( )
  carterchristian1 | Mar 1, 2012 |
I guess that this is the definitive book on limericks. Why you would ever need such a book is a mystery, however, but, for some reason, I just had to get it. The introduction is scattershot and disjointed. Of course, it is also what you'd expect from a folklorist who collects limericks. There is some history in the intro, but since it is written so oddly, it is hard to really get the point. Still, the tidbits thrown out are good enough to let the weirdness slide. But what makes this book awesome to me is that it is annotated, numbered, and cited; there is an index and a rhyming index. This delights my bibliographic soul.

The limericks? Well, of course they are ribald and bawdy and raunchy. And sometimes disgustingly so. But, at least I now own the definitive book on limericks. ( )
  tuckerresearch | Oct 5, 2010 |
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This is the classic collections of Limericks. Written by people of all nations in ribald and bawdy situations. Most of the risque verse is written in English but some are in French, German, and Latin and appear exactly as they were in the 1957 edition that was privately printed in Paris.

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