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Laughter and Chills: Seven Great Stories…

Laughter and Chills: Seven Great Stories (Townsend Library Edition) (édition 2005)

par Saki, O.Henry, Edgar Allan Poe, Washington Irving, Charles Dickens

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Get ready to chuckle and to shiver - sometimes both at once! Within these pages you'll encounter situations that are scary or amusing, but always unforgettable. Here are just three of them: when blundering kidnappers snatch a little boy, the hilarious events that follow will leave you wondering who the "victim" really is; two old friends enter the gloomy wine cellar, its cold walls dripping with dampness. Only one of the friends will ever leave; and riding home from a late-night party, a timid schoolmaster is pursued by a terrifying man on horseback - a man with no head. - Back cover. To help students experience the joys and benefits of reading, Townsend Press presents the Townsend Library - a collection of high-interest classics. Each Townsend Library book has been carefully edited to maintain the original story while updating language and style for today's readers. - Publisher.… (plus d'informations)
Titre:Laughter and Chills: Seven Great Stories (Townsend Library Edition)
Autres auteurs:O.Henry, Edgar Allan Poe, Washington Irving, Charles Dickens
Info:Townsend Press (2005), Paperback, 167 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

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Laughter and Chills: Seven Great Stories (Townsend Library Edition) par Saki


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Nom de l'auteurRôleType d'auteurŒuvre ?Statut
Sakiauteur principaltoutes les éditionscalculé
Crocco, Anne G.Directeur de publicationauteur principaltoutes les éditionsconfirmé
Dickens, Charlesauteur secondairetoutes les éditionsconfirmé
Irving, Washingtonauteur secondairetoutes les éditionsconfirmé
Johnson, BethPostfaceauteur secondairetoutes les éditionsconfirmé
Poe, Edgar Allanauteur secondairetoutes les éditionsconfirmé
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Get ready to chuckle and to shiver - sometimes both at once! Within these pages you'll encounter situations that are scary or amusing, but always unforgettable. Here are just three of them: when blundering kidnappers snatch a little boy, the hilarious events that follow will leave you wondering who the "victim" really is; two old friends enter the gloomy wine cellar, its cold walls dripping with dampness. Only one of the friends will ever leave; and riding home from a late-night party, a timid schoolmaster is pursued by a terrifying man on horseback - a man with no head. - Back cover. To help students experience the joys and benefits of reading, Townsend Press presents the Townsend Library - a collection of high-interest classics. Each Townsend Library book has been carefully edited to maintain the original story while updating language and style for today's readers. - Publisher.

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