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Dragons of a Fallen Sun (Dragonlance: The…

Dragons of a Fallen Sun (Dragonlance: The War of Souls, Volume I) (édition 2000)

par Margaret Weis, Tracy Hickman (Directeur de publication)

Séries: La séquence de la Guerre des Âmes (01), LanceDragon ((War of Souls 1) 421 AC (38 SC))

MembresCritiquesPopularitéÉvaluation moyenneMentions
1,88699,274 (3.61)8
Fantasy. Fiction. HTML:A new age dawns—and a war for the heart and soul of Krynn begins—in this first book in the War of Souls trilogy, from the creators of the Dragonlance universe

Forty years have passed since the devastating Chaos War, when the gods departed Krynn and the Fourth Age came to an end. Cruel and powerful dragons have seized control of Ansalon, dividing the continent among them and demanding tribute from the people they have enslaved.

Heroes of the past have gone to their well-deserved rest, forever revered for their bravery during the Chaos War and the War of the Lance. Now, new heroes rise to take their place, prepared to continue the battle against evil. War awaits them—a war more terrible than any on Krynn have known.

Change—for good or for ill—comes to the world. A violent magical storm sweeps over Ansalon, bringing blood and fire, death and destruction. Out of the tumult rises a strange, mystic young woman, whose destiny is bound up with that of Krynn. She alone knows the truth about the future and its strange, inextricable ties to a terrifying mystery in in Krynn's past.
… (plus d'informations)
Titre:Dragons of a Fallen Sun (Dragonlance: The War of Souls, Volume I)
Auteurs:Margaret Weis
Autres auteurs:Tracy Hickman (Directeur de publication)
Info:Wizards of the Coast (2000), Hardcover, 564 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque
Mots-clés:Bookshelf, Fantasy

Information sur l'oeuvre

Dragons d'un coucher de soleil par Margaret Weis


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» Voir aussi les 8 mentions

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Han transcurrido casi cuarenta años desde la devastadora Guerra de Caos, cuando los dioses abandonaron Krynn. Dragones crueles y poderosos se han repartido el dominio del continente de Ansalon y exigen tributo a los pueblos que han esclavizado. Sin embargo, para bien o para mal, un cambio se avecina en el mundo. Una violenta tormenta mágica azota Ansalon y ocasiona inundaciones, incendios, muerte y destrucción. En medio del caos desatado surge una joven misteriosa cuyo destino está estrechamente vinculado al de Krynn, ya que sólo ella conoce la verdad sobre el futuro. Un futuro que está relacionado de manera inextricable con un misterio aterrador del pasado de Krynn.
  Natt90 | Oct 28, 2022 |
Goed verhaal in de traditie van de ouderwetse fantasy. Ridders, draken, elfen en Kenders (geen idee wat dat precies zijn.) Mina is een jonge vrouw die plotseling verschijnt tijdens een ongekend zware wereldwijde donderstorm en zij heeft de gave om mensen mee te trekken in naam van de ware God. Maar er zit een duistere kant aan deze god. En dan heb je nog een aantal jonge mannen, Silvan, Galder (een minotaurus), Gerard en Tasslehoff (Tass) Burrfoot, die naar mijn idee een grote rol in het verhaal gaan spelen, of wel aan de kant van Mina ofwel aan de andere kant.
Het verhaal is zich nog aan het ontwikkelen dus door in deel 2 ( )
  connie53 | Dec 9, 2020 |
The future of Krynn! For fans of the original Dragonlance books and the world of Krynn, this book will be of interest to you. Far in the future, the war with the dragons continues. Krynn is much changed since the days of the Heroes of the Lance, but new heroes arise. Strangely enough, the gods have deserted Krynn and left a world that is not in balance.
These books are much longer than the original trilogy and cover a lot of territory. The authors clearly wanted to go in a different direction and for the most part, they succeeded. ( )
  Karlstar | Jun 10, 2018 |
The first of the Dragonlance series that I read (unfortunately, because I knew so much when I went back to Chronicles). What a journey that started - thanks to this book I headed off into the world of fantasy novels.

Book 11, if I am counting correctly, in the main Dragonlance saga. Here, the world has been shattered by a second cataclysm and a new age has begun. Yet another round of new characters, mixed in with a delightful array of old, enter upon the scene, as does a new world order with new magic and new gods. I think this trilogy shows a marked increase in complexity and maturity in the storytelling - no longer is the tale a simple 2 or 3 pronged adventure rooted in AD&D. The distinctions between good and evil blur ever farther, champions battle champions and undeserving heroes spring into power.

I was left craving more, and luckily was able to dive into the thousands of pages if this fantastic world. ( )
  jmilloy | Nov 8, 2017 |
This trilogy definitely harkens back to the vintage 'Legends' trilogy, of which I commented fairly extensively in my thread from last year. In fact, the astute reader will notice that there are some things that are not right, which are easily explained with some fancy Star Trek-like time stream alterations, much like the aforementioned Legends books. There is quite a lot of dread and foreboding as the evil Knights of Neraka and the dragon overlords assert their dominance of the land, but, like most fantasy novels, good and happiness triumph in the end. The fun part is finding out (or even figuring out) how. ( )
  DirtPriest | Sep 10, 2010 |
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Weis, Margaretauteur principaltoutes les éditionsconfirmé
Hickman, Tracyauteur principaltoutes les éditionsconfirmé
Kauth, DennisCartographyauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Stawicki, MattArtiste de la couvertureauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
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Dedicated gratefully to Peter Adkison, who made the magic happen for Dragonlance again.
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The day has passed beyond our power. The petals close upon the flower.
Mina's Song
The dwarves named the valley Gamashinoch—the Song of Death.
Book 1
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The German version of Dragons of a Fallen Sun is in two volumes: Drachensturm and Die Drachenkönigin. Please do not combine these.
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Fantasy. Fiction. HTML:A new age dawns—and a war for the heart and soul of Krynn begins—in this first book in the War of Souls trilogy, from the creators of the Dragonlance universe

Forty years have passed since the devastating Chaos War, when the gods departed Krynn and the Fourth Age came to an end. Cruel and powerful dragons have seized control of Ansalon, dividing the continent among them and demanding tribute from the people they have enslaved.

Heroes of the past have gone to their well-deserved rest, forever revered for their bravery during the Chaos War and the War of the Lance. Now, new heroes rise to take their place, prepared to continue the battle against evil. War awaits them—a war more terrible than any on Krynn have known.

Change—for good or for ill—comes to the world. A violent magical storm sweeps over Ansalon, bringing blood and fire, death and destruction. Out of the tumult rises a strange, mystic young woman, whose destiny is bound up with that of Krynn. She alone knows the truth about the future and its strange, inextricable ties to a terrifying mystery in in Krynn's past.

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