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Perl and CGI for the World Wide Web (Visual…

Perl and CGI for the World Wide Web (Visual QuickStart Guide) (édition 1998)

par Elizabeth Castro

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Perl is one of the most popular scripting languages for adding powerful interactive features to Web pages. Perl lets you place forms on your site that collect and process user input such as comments and product orders; enables visitors to search for information; and can integrate a database into your site, among its many other capabilities.Perl and CGI for the World Wide Web, 2nd Edition: Visual QuickStart Guidefully revised and updated since its original 1998 release, gets users to the core of CGI scripting with Perl. Even first-time programmers will be able to create useful, workable scripts from scratch, or adapt and customize existing scripts to their own needs. Hundreds of screen shots and clear, easy-to-understand directions make this the perfect Perl book for beginners, as well as a handy reference for those with previous programming experience.… (plus d'informations)
Titre:Perl and CGI for the World Wide Web (Visual QuickStart Guide)
Auteurs:Elizabeth Castro
Info:Peachpit Press (1998), Paperback, 272 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque
Mots-clés:perl, cgi, webprogramming

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Perl and CGI for the World Wide Web par Elizabeth Castro


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This is a gem of a book. For the beginning programmer, this presents basic web-programming problems and solutions in a concise, easy to grasp way. Pay attention to the lessons in this book and use it along with your other Perl books and you'll be programming some cool web apps in no time! ( )
  wtmurray | May 26, 2010 |
I can't judge this books suitability for a novice, but as a seasoned programmer who needed a swift introduction to PERL, I found this to be an excellent resource. It's short and sweet and covers all the basics. I still consult the regular expression chapter occasionally.

Great for a "crash course" if you already have programming experience.
  AleatoricConsonance | Nov 8, 2007 |
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Perl is one of the most popular scripting languages for adding powerful interactive features to Web pages. Perl lets you place forms on your site that collect and process user input such as comments and product orders; enables visitors to search for information; and can integrate a database into your site, among its many other capabilities.Perl and CGI for the World Wide Web, 2nd Edition: Visual QuickStart Guidefully revised and updated since its original 1998 release, gets users to the core of CGI scripting with Perl. Even first-time programmers will be able to create useful, workable scripts from scratch, or adapt and customize existing scripts to their own needs. Hundreds of screen shots and clear, easy-to-understand directions make this the perfect Perl book for beginners, as well as a handy reference for those with previous programming experience.

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