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Chargement... Stuart Littlepar E. B. White
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Inscrivez-vous à LibraryThing pour découvrir si vous aimerez ce livre Actuellement, il n'y a pas de discussions au sujet de ce livre. I enjoyed reading this book, I thought the story was cute and perfect for children. This book explores adventures and friendship. I also liked how this book covered being able to overcome difficult situations. This is an absolute classic. The story is about the Little Family and the mom has just given birth to a mouse that she has named Stuart. Stuart is no ordinary mouse because he wears clothes, he talks, he walks on two legs and is very much a human in a mouse body. Stuart's family makes all suitable accomodations for him and allowing him to grow and learn and they do their best to keep Stuart Little safe from the family's pet cat Snowbell. I loved reading about Stuart's adventures in New York City; sailing a boat in the lake in Central Park, making a bird friend, Margalo, setting out on his own in a little car and teaching students in a a school and meeting a little lady friend. I listened to the audio book during my commute. It put me in a serene mood, which is exactly what I need on I-90 during rush hour, but it did strike me as a lot weirder than I remembered it being. Stuart is like a tiny, sensitive, middle-aged dandy. I love it when he acts as a substitute teacher, and when he takes charge of the schooner Wasp, but I'm annoyed by how prissy he is. Still, E.B. White is a truly lovely writer and that makes up for it. Stuart Little is no ordinary mouse. Born to a family of humans, he lives in New York City with his parents, his older brother George, and Snowbell the cat. Though he's shy and thoughtful, he's also a true lover of adventure. Stuart's greatest adventure comes when his best friend, a beautiful little bird named Margalo, disappears from her nest. Determined to track her down, Stuart ventures away from home for the very first time in his life. He finds adventure aplenty. But will he find his friend? aucune critique | ajouter une critique
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The adventures of the debonair mouse Stuart Little as he sets out in the world to seek out his dearest friend, a little bird who stayed a few days in his family's garden. Aucune description trouvée dans une bibliothèque |
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Google Books — Chargement... GenresClassification décimale de Melvil (CDD)813.52Literature English (North America) American fiction 20th Century 1900-1944Classification de la Bibliothèque du CongrèsÉvaluationMoyenne:
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