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International Encyclopedia of Adult Education and Training (Resources in Education Series) (Resources in Education Serie

par A.C. Tuijnman

Autres auteurs: Peter Sutton (Contributeur)

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This Encyclopedia deals with the financing and organization of adult education and continuing vocational training throughout the world. The volume provides extensive coverage of lifespan development, cognition, adult learning, and theories and methods for the teaching of adults both now and in the future. Adult education and continuing vocational training are no longer considered as two separate fields and their merge has provoked increased attention on theories and practice, with particular focus on human resource development. This new edition draws on articles in The International Encyclopedia of Education, 2nd Edition (described by Choice as being "a premier resource when judged on virtually every criteria applied to a reference work"): all articles have been revised and updated. Adult education has undergone tremendous changes over the past decade, not only has expenditure and participation increased at a global level, but the field itself has also matured. Continuing vocational education and workplace learning have assumed increased significance, and as a result several new topics for research on adult education have emerged. The many changes in the field are reflected in this volume. The entries will not only cover the important concepts and definitions in the field but offer a disciplinary perspective on its development.… (plus d'informations)

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A.C. Tuijnmanauteur principaltoutes les éditionscalculé
Sutton, PeterContributeurauteur secondairetoutes les éditionsconfirmé
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This Encyclopedia deals with the financing and organization of adult education and continuing vocational training throughout the world. The volume provides extensive coverage of lifespan development, cognition, adult learning, and theories and methods for the teaching of adults both now and in the future. Adult education and continuing vocational training are no longer considered as two separate fields and their merge has provoked increased attention on theories and practice, with particular focus on human resource development. This new edition draws on articles in The International Encyclopedia of Education, 2nd Edition (described by Choice as being "a premier resource when judged on virtually every criteria applied to a reference work"): all articles have been revised and updated. Adult education has undergone tremendous changes over the past decade, not only has expenditure and participation increased at a global level, but the field itself has also matured. Continuing vocational education and workplace learning have assumed increased significance, and as a result several new topics for research on adult education have emerged. The many changes in the field are reflected in this volume. The entries will not only cover the important concepts and definitions in the field but offer a disciplinary perspective on its development.

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