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Hannah the famous

par Libby Gleeson

Séries: Hannah (4)

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After the washing up, Hannah is alone in the kitchen. She studies the pictures of trapeze artists performing high above crowds with no safety net. There's a juggler too, tossing plates and another with flaming torches. Hannah looks at the plates stacked high on the shelf above the bench. Hannah is going to be famous one day. The trouble is, she's not sure what for. Her friend Annie wants to be a famous singer and her other friend Tui, an inventor. Hannah starts a scrapbook of famous people to get some ideas, but it's when her dad buys her the book of Guinness World Recordsthat Hannah finds true inspiration . . .… (plus d'informations)
Récemment ajouté parfpapamanolis, kathyb53

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Hannah (4)
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After the washing up, Hannah is alone in the kitchen. She studies the pictures of trapeze artists performing high above crowds with no safety net. There's a juggler too, tossing plates and another with flaming torches. Hannah looks at the plates stacked high on the shelf above the bench. Hannah is going to be famous one day. The trouble is, she's not sure what for. Her friend Annie wants to be a famous singer and her other friend Tui, an inventor. Hannah starts a scrapbook of famous people to get some ideas, but it's when her dad buys her the book of Guinness World Recordsthat Hannah finds true inspiration . . .

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