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The Secret of the Swamp King (Wilderking…

The Secret of the Swamp King (Wilderking Trilogy) (édition 2014)

par Jonathan Rogers (Auteur)

Séries: Wilderking Trilogy (book 2)

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King Darrow sends Aidan Errolson on an impossible quest, hoping he will never return, and although Aidan has enough friends to succeed on the journey, even he might not be able to defeat the powerful enemy that awaits him at its end.
Titre:The Secret of the Swamp King (Wilderking Trilogy)
Auteurs:Jonathan Rogers (Auteur)
Info:Lightning Source Inc (2014), Edition: 2nd ed., 219 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

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The Secret of the Swamp King par Jonathan Rogers


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No one has ever come home from the Feechiefen Swamp. What makes Aidan think he can?

It looks like a fool's errand. A jealous and vindictive King Darrow sends Aidan Errolson on a seemingly impossible quest into the depths of the Feechiefen Swamp. Darrow thinks he's sending Corenwald's young deliverer to certain death. No one, after all, comes back from the Feechiefen. He doesn't know that Aidan has friends and allies among the feechiefolk, who know him as the hero Pantherbane.

But even the feechiefolk may not be able to deliver Aidan from the enemy who waits in the swamp's deepest recesses - an enemy who threatens not just Aidan, but all of Corenwald.
  PlumfieldCH | Apr 30, 2024 |
  WBCLIB | Feb 27, 2023 |
I didn't realize that this is a sequel to The Bark of the Bog Owl when I picked it up. Very well done classic epic fantasy (the main character is often referred to as the "young hero") for children. Rogers does one thing most fantasy ignores: he creates a natural setting that is well described, interesting, and plays an important part of the book. It seems like in most fantasy the characters tromp around through a generic plain, village, and spooky forest. In this book, it is clear the author knows and loves cypress swamp and recreates it effectively. Good read for young lovers of fantasy. ( )
  JanetNoRules | Sep 17, 2018 |
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King Darrow sends Aidan Errolson on an impossible quest, hoping he will never return, and although Aidan has enough friends to succeed on the journey, even he might not be able to defeat the powerful enemy that awaits him at its end.

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