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Days of Awe, Days of Joy

par Rabbi Eli Friedman

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Both an exploration of the month of Tishrei and an introduction to the major themes of Judaism. The pieces which make up each chapter range from Chasidic stories and aphorisms, explanations of nuances in the liturgy of each holiday, and expositions of the significance of the details pertaining to each custom and observance. Time and again the analysis yields insight into the most sublime concepts of Judaism: The unity between the Jewish people and their creator and each Jew's responsibility to sanctify the mundane world and make it a dwelling place for the Divine.… (plus d'informations)

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Rabbi Eli Friedmanauteur principaltoutes les éditionscalculé
Friedman, Eliauteur principalquelques éditionsconfirmé
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DDC/MDS canonique
LCC canonique

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Both an exploration of the month of Tishrei and an introduction to the major themes of Judaism. The pieces which make up each chapter range from Chasidic stories and aphorisms, explanations of nuances in the liturgy of each holiday, and expositions of the significance of the details pertaining to each custom and observance. Time and again the analysis yields insight into the most sublime concepts of Judaism: The unity between the Jewish people and their creator and each Jew's responsibility to sanctify the mundane world and make it a dwelling place for the Divine.

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