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Wish for a Fish: All About Sea Creatures…

Wish for a Fish: All About Sea Creatures (The Cat in the Hat's Learning Library) (édition 1999)

par Bonnie Worth (Auteur)

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In rhyming text, the Cat in the Hat introduces Sally and Dick to the various inhabitants of the ocean, including herring, mackerel, jellyfish, sharks, manatees, and whales.
Titre:Wish for a Fish: All About Sea Creatures (The Cat in the Hat's Learning Library)
Auteurs:Bonnie Worth (Auteur)
Info:Random House Books for Young Readers (1999), Edition: First Edition, 48 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

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Wish for a Fish: All About Sea Creatures (Cat in the Hat's Learning Library) par Bonnie Worth


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5 sur 5
In this book, The Cat in the Hat takes the reader on an undersea adventure in the S.S. Undersea Glubber. Kids will love this rhyming book, that is as fun as it is informative! It discusses the undersea food chain and highlights the different ocean zones and what you could expect to find in each of them. For instance, did you know that the creatures in the deep, cold, abyss have no legs so that they don’t get stuck on the sticky floor? This book gives interesting facts about each ocean level, that would be fun to add to any ocean unit in the classroom. ( )
  csmith18 | May 25, 2019 |
This inspiring and entertaining story is about an undersea voyage taken by The Cat in the Hat, dick and Sally aboard the S.S. Undersea Glubbtales. The three friends haave a fun-filled adventure as they travel down from the Sunny Zone to the Dark Zone and finally to the Trench at the bottom. Captain Cat and his crew have personal encounterswith the different life forms found at each level of the ocean. They meet all types of sea creatures like sharks, jellyfish, dolphins, whales, and sea cucumbers. cjhildren reading this book will have a "whale" of a time! ( )
  NatalieMarshall | Nov 18, 2015 |
This would be so great for younger kids! Dr. Seuss not only rhymes but makes learning about the subject interesting and fun. I think kids will love the rhyming and the artwork and the story can keep them interested. I think grades K-2 would be a good range for this book. ( )
  CSansing | Nov 12, 2015 |
In rhyming text, the Cat in the Hat introduces Sally and Dick to the various inhabitants of the ocean, including herring, mackerel, jellyfish, sharks, manatees, and whales. ( )
  JoseDelAguila | Apr 26, 2010 |
  BRCSBooks | Oct 29, 2013 |
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In rhyming text, the Cat in the Hat introduces Sally and Dick to the various inhabitants of the ocean, including herring, mackerel, jellyfish, sharks, manatees, and whales.

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