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Nutrition: An Applied Approach with MyPyramid Study Card

par Janice Thompson

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Nutrition: An Applied Approachpresents introductory nutrition to readers in an applied format that discourages memorization and promotes long-term understanding of the material. The authors capitalize on readers' natural interest in nutrition by demonstrating how nutrition relates to their health, and by addressing and debunking commonly held misconceptions they have about nutrition. The book's functional organization of the micronutrient chapters encourages readers to develop a conceptual framework in which to organize the information and helps them understand the role of nutrients in their bodies and in their own health.The Role of Nutrition in Our Health, Designing a Healthful Diet, The Human Body, Carbohydrates, Fat, Proteins, Fluid and Electrolyte Balance, Antioxidant Function, Bone Health, Energy Metabolism and Blood Formation, Energy Balance and Weight Management, Physical Activity, Disordered Eating, Food Safety and Technology, Pregnancy and the First Year of Life, Childhood, Adolescence and Adulthood.For all readers interested in learning the basics of introductory nutrition.… (plus d'informations)
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Nutrition: An Applied Approachpresents introductory nutrition to readers in an applied format that discourages memorization and promotes long-term understanding of the material. The authors capitalize on readers' natural interest in nutrition by demonstrating how nutrition relates to their health, and by addressing and debunking commonly held misconceptions they have about nutrition. The book's functional organization of the micronutrient chapters encourages readers to develop a conceptual framework in which to organize the information and helps them understand the role of nutrients in their bodies and in their own health.The Role of Nutrition in Our Health, Designing a Healthful Diet, The Human Body, Carbohydrates, Fat, Proteins, Fluid and Electrolyte Balance, Antioxidant Function, Bone Health, Energy Metabolism and Blood Formation, Energy Balance and Weight Management, Physical Activity, Disordered Eating, Food Safety and Technology, Pregnancy and the First Year of Life, Childhood, Adolescence and Adulthood.For all readers interested in learning the basics of introductory nutrition.

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