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The Greeks par H.D.F. Kitto

The Greeks (original 1951; édition 1963)

par H.D.F. Kitto

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1,590711,692 (4.06)8
Most ancient cultures disappeared with scarcely a trace, their effect upon our modern way of life of little consequence. The Greeks, however, continue to influence contemporary man through their drama, philosophy and art, their political cognizance and knowledge of science. There are many books introducing the Greek world to the modern reader, but this volume was recognized as a classic in the field upon its publication by Penguin Books. It now appears in a new paperback edition, with a new preface by the author and 32 pages of photographs selected especially for the American reader. The Greeksintroduces us to the people who formed and founded a new and distinct way of life, the democratic city-state. The author presents--frequently in the words of the Greeks themselves--the formation of the people as a nation, the nature of the country, the impact of Homer, and the rise and decline of the city-state. The book includes an intensive study of the classical period, and provides an illuminating view of the Greek mind, myths and religion, life and character.The Greeksis a recognized classic, written with remarkable grace and wit. In its new, richly illustrated and permanent form, it will endure as perhaps the best reconstruction of one of the greatest episodes in the history of civilized man. H. D. F. Kitto(1897-1982) was professor of Greek at the University of Bristol and is well known as a scholar, teacher and writer in his field. He wrote several books on Greek drama, and his In the Mountains of Greeceresulted from extensive travel throughout the country., and provides an illuminating view of the Greek mind, myths and religion, life and character.The Greeksis a recognized classic, written with remarkable grace and wit. In its new, richly illustrated and permanent form, it will endure as perhaps the best reconstruction of one of the greatest episodes in the history of civilized man. H. D. F. Kitto(1897-1982) was professor of Greek at the University of Bristol and is well known as a scholar, teacher and writer in his field. He wrote several books on Greek drama, and his In the Mountains of Greeceresulted from extensive travel throughout the country.… (plus d'informations)
Titre:The Greeks
Auteurs:H.D.F. Kitto
Info:Pelican (1963), Paperback
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

Information sur l'oeuvre

Les grecs , autoportrait d'une civilisation par H. D. F. Kitto (1951)


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» Voir aussi les 8 mentions

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Kitto distribuye la mirada en 12 capítulos, que son verederas perlas, abarcando al pueblo helénico desde el S.IX al V aC.
Con una prosa casi novelesca ataca los núcleos centrales del pensamiento, cultura y tradición helenística. Creta, Esparta, Atenas, Homero...Sí, hay más de una clase de griegos y cualquier generalización de ellos es peligrosa, la mente griega es equilibrada.
El S.V, y la victoria sobre el imperio persa dando apertura al esplendor de la polis griega con su siglo de oro.
Verdadera joya, amena, humana, lozana, y profunda a la vez.
Un verdadero viaje por las regiones helénicas en compañía del profesor Kitto.
( )
  serxius | Aug 26, 2022 |
I read this book to find out where my classmates would be starting from. It was useful, and is an excellent survey book, if you are a fan of the primacy of Greek Culture over the other strains that make up the modern ambiance. It set for thirty years, (1951-1980's) the framework for discussion of the Mediterranean past. It is still a fairly good beginning book. ( )
  DinadansFriend | Jun 14, 2014 |
Far and away the best introduction to ancient Greece that I have yet found. Kitto has a real love -- even a passion -- for his subject; not only does this passion show throughout but it is contagious as well. With joyful, dynamic prose Kitto introduces us to the history, the people, the places, the culture, and the events of Greece before Alexander the Great. In the process of retelling the story of ancient Greece, he opens up the Greek mind and the Greek heart for us, examining each minutely and showing where it is that we differ (and why we should be careful not to judge too harshly when we do) and where it is that we find similarities. Often it seems that Kitto is introducing us to ourselves, or at least to a part of ourselves which we didn't even realize we possessed. The history of Greece is in many ways a good portion of the history of Western man -- the history of Greece is our history. If you want to know more about ancient Greece and about yourself -- read this book. ( )
3 voter davidpwithun | Sep 16, 2011 |
938 KIT
  ScarpaOderzo | Apr 25, 2020 |
  laplantelibrary | Dec 1, 2022 |
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The reader is asked, for the moment, to accept this as a reasonable statement of fact, that in a part of the world that had for centuries been civilized, and quite highly civilized, there gradually emerged a people, not very numerous, not very powerful, not very well organized, who had a totally new conception of what human life was for, and showed for the first time what the human mind was for.
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Most ancient cultures disappeared with scarcely a trace, their effect upon our modern way of life of little consequence. The Greeks, however, continue to influence contemporary man through their drama, philosophy and art, their political cognizance and knowledge of science. There are many books introducing the Greek world to the modern reader, but this volume was recognized as a classic in the field upon its publication by Penguin Books. It now appears in a new paperback edition, with a new preface by the author and 32 pages of photographs selected especially for the American reader. The Greeksintroduces us to the people who formed and founded a new and distinct way of life, the democratic city-state. The author presents--frequently in the words of the Greeks themselves--the formation of the people as a nation, the nature of the country, the impact of Homer, and the rise and decline of the city-state. The book includes an intensive study of the classical period, and provides an illuminating view of the Greek mind, myths and religion, life and character.The Greeksis a recognized classic, written with remarkable grace and wit. In its new, richly illustrated and permanent form, it will endure as perhaps the best reconstruction of one of the greatest episodes in the history of civilized man. H. D. F. Kitto(1897-1982) was professor of Greek at the University of Bristol and is well known as a scholar, teacher and writer in his field. He wrote several books on Greek drama, and his In the Mountains of Greeceresulted from extensive travel throughout the country., and provides an illuminating view of the Greek mind, myths and religion, life and character.The Greeksis a recognized classic, written with remarkable grace and wit. In its new, richly illustrated and permanent form, it will endure as perhaps the best reconstruction of one of the greatest episodes in the history of civilized man. H. D. F. Kitto(1897-1982) was professor of Greek at the University of Bristol and is well known as a scholar, teacher and writer in his field. He wrote several books on Greek drama, and his In the Mountains of Greeceresulted from extensive travel throughout the country.

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