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Abe Sapien Volume 1: The Drowning (Hellboy…

Abe Sapien Volume 1: The Drowning (Hellboy (Dark Horse Paperback)) (édition 2008)

par Mike Mignola, Jason Shawn Alexander

MembresCritiquesPopularitéÉvaluation moyenneMentions
19213146,766 (3.86)2
A century ago, paranormal investigator Edward Gray fought and destroyed a powerful warlock off the coast of the island of Saint-Sbastien. In the early 1980s, the B.P.R.D.'s newest agent was sent to retrieve the warlock's remains. But Abe Sapien is ill prepared for the dark forces that block his way. Written by Hellboy creator Mike Mignola, and featuring the haunting art of Jason Shawn Alexander (Damn Nation, The Secret, The Escapists), Abe Sapien: The Drowning is the story of Hellboy and B.P.R.D. mainstay Abe Sapien's first solo adventure.… (plus d'informations)
Titre:Abe Sapien Volume 1: The Drowning (Hellboy (Dark Horse Paperback))
Auteurs:Mike Mignola
Autres auteurs:Jason Shawn Alexander
Info:Dark Horse (2008), Paperback, 144 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

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Abe Sapien Volume 1: The Drowning par Mike Mignola (Author)


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» Voir aussi les 2 mentions

Affichage de 1-5 de 13 (suivant | tout afficher)
Beautiful and haunting, The Drowning is an excellent standalone story and introduction to Abe Sapien's own adventures. I hesitate to say solo because the story does demonstrate that Abe has substantial relationships beyond his friendship with Hellboy but it the story does make it painfully clear its centering on his development sans the son of the devil.
  b.masonjudy | Apr 3, 2020 |
Na sklonku devatenáctého století bojoval viktoriánský okultní vyšetřovatel sir Edward Grey na ostrově Saint-Sébastien s mocným čarodějem a podařilo se mu jej porazit. O necelých sto let později přijíždí na totéž místo služebně nejmladší agent Ú.P.V.O. Abe Sapien, aby vyzvednul čarodějovy ostatky. Avšak na temné síly, které se mu postaví do cesty, není Abe připraven.
Staňte se svědky prvního samostatného dobrodružství Abea Sapiena podle scénáře Mikea Mignoly, s příjemně mrazivou kresbou od Jasona Shawna Alexandera. ( )
  guano | Oct 29, 2019 |
Dark and intriguing and with excellent characterization, but I found the plot a bit hard to follow as big chunks of the exposition is done through hints in the art, which while pretty, isn't exactly always easy to interpret during big magical action sequenzes. ( )
  Lucky-Loki | Jul 29, 2018 |
Narratively kind of murky, but beautifully drawn and colored! ( )
  KateSherrod | Aug 1, 2016 |
Abe Sapien was always one of my favorite Hellboy characters, so when I saw he had his own book I was immediately intrigued. In this book Hellboy is away and no one knows when he is coming back so when the B.P.R.D. needs someone to retrieve a dagger and body from underwater, they decide to give Abe a chance. The myths and tales behind the story were very interesting; I found myself wondering if they were based on real historical facts or out of the writers heads. The dark monochromatic color palatte fit the tone of the story; especially Abe's insecurity about handling things on his own. ( )
  Rosa.Mill | Nov 21, 2015 |
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Mignola, MikeAuteurauteur principaltoutes les éditionsconfirmé
Alexander, Jason ShawnIllustrateurauteur principaltoutes les éditionsconfirmé
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A century ago, paranormal investigator Edward Gray fought and destroyed a powerful warlock off the coast of the island of Saint-Sbastien. In the early 1980s, the B.P.R.D.'s newest agent was sent to retrieve the warlock's remains. But Abe Sapien is ill prepared for the dark forces that block his way. Written by Hellboy creator Mike Mignola, and featuring the haunting art of Jason Shawn Alexander (Damn Nation, The Secret, The Escapists), Abe Sapien: The Drowning is the story of Hellboy and B.P.R.D. mainstay Abe Sapien's first solo adventure.

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Moyenne: (3.86)
2 3
2.5 1
3 12
3.5 4
4 26
4.5 4
5 11

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