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Gold Comes In Bricks par A. A. Fair

Gold Comes In Bricks (édition 1944)

par A. A. Fair

Séries: Cool and Lam (3)

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1311215,920 (3.62)4
Following a money trail leads a PI into danger in this hard-boiled mystery by the creator of Perry Mason and author of Turn on the Heat. Brainy private detective Donald Lam is always one step ahead of the bad guys-but he's also smaller than them and typically gets beat up. That's why his boss, the ever-irascible Bertha Cool, has hired a martial arts master to teach him self-defense. The first class isn't easy for Donald, but he is rewarded with a new client . . . Henry Ashbury is concerned about his daughter's recent spending habits. He wants Donald to find out where her money is going, without letting on that he's a detective. So, going undercover as Ashbury's trainer, Donald soon learns the story behind the daughter's finances. But when his investigation also turns up a dead body, the diminutive detective must teach the killer a lesson in justice . . . "Lively wit and machinegun dialogue." -Ralph E. Vaughan, author of Murder in the Goblins' Playground "Gardner has a way of moving the story forward that is almost a lost art: great stretches of dialogue alternate with lively chunks of exposition, and the two work together perfectly, without sacrificing momentum." -Booklist.… (plus d'informations)
Titre:Gold Comes In Bricks
Auteurs:A. A. Fair
Info:New York: Dell Mapback #84
Collections:Votre bibliothèque
Mots-clés:Mystery Paperback

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Gold Comes in Bricks par A. A. Fair


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Erle Stanley Gardner, creator of Perry Mason, wrote the Cool and Lam series under the pen name AA Fair. In it, he offers us readers a mismatched pair of detectives, heavyweight hardnosed Bertha Cool and brainy bantamweight Donald Lam. This (originally the 2nd book in the series) has Lam getting more comfortable in his role as the real brains of the operation and Bertha slowly giving up control of the agency. This 1940 thriller is a bit dated and involves blackmail, stock swindles, gold mine swindles, and of course, murder. Some of the scheming with these swindles was perhaps too complex for this genre. Gardner's legal training shows up in these schemes involving Blue Sky Laws. Short, non-jock Lam plays the part of a physical fitness trainer, an attempt at humor that doesn't quite work. ( )
  DaveWilde | Sep 22, 2017 |
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Dohm, ArnoTraducteurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
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Following a money trail leads a PI into danger in this hard-boiled mystery by the creator of Perry Mason and author of Turn on the Heat. Brainy private detective Donald Lam is always one step ahead of the bad guys-but he's also smaller than them and typically gets beat up. That's why his boss, the ever-irascible Bertha Cool, has hired a martial arts master to teach him self-defense. The first class isn't easy for Donald, but he is rewarded with a new client . . . Henry Ashbury is concerned about his daughter's recent spending habits. He wants Donald to find out where her money is going, without letting on that he's a detective. So, going undercover as Ashbury's trainer, Donald soon learns the story behind the daughter's finances. But when his investigation also turns up a dead body, the diminutive detective must teach the killer a lesson in justice . . . "Lively wit and machinegun dialogue." -Ralph E. Vaughan, author of Murder in the Goblins' Playground "Gardner has a way of moving the story forward that is almost a lost art: great stretches of dialogue alternate with lively chunks of exposition, and the two work together perfectly, without sacrificing momentum." -Booklist.

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