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Sleepwalker's Introduction to Flight par…

Sleepwalker's Introduction to Flight (édition 2008)

par Sion Scott-Wilson

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A curiously brilliant nocturnal fable about a boy who cannot sleep . . .Funny and filled with heart . . . a sparky debut' - Alexandra Heminsley, The London Paper Dreaming of joining the brotherhood of Acapulcan cliff-divers, young Mikey Hough rigs a diving platform in the garden of his suburban Berkshire home. Two years later, when he awakes from his coma, Mikey befriends Roger, an elderly ex-pilot hospitalised when his precious Distinguished Flying Cross was violently stolen from him. Mikey soon learns that his own disastrous attempt at flight has damaged his Suprachiasmatic Nucleus, destroying his ability to sleep. The medical profession can do nothing for him. He is sent home from hospital to die. One night, a despondent Mikey stumbles across Livia, the cynical teenage ward of a neighbouring councilman. Together they decide to track down Roger's stolen medal. So begins a remarkable, picaresque journey into the dark heart of suburban England, during which the fearless Mikey and Livia confront a sprawling cast of pensioners, policemen and criminals - including the profoundly sinister man-child 'The Fat Controller'. As they hurtle towards daybreak, they persuade Roger to undertake one last, gut-wrenching sortie into the night skies. The Sleepwalker's Introduction to Flight is a heart-rending and riotous mini-epic, a brilliantly subversive coming-of-age tale about what happens when dark and light collide, and society's marginalised find their voice. 'A humorous, moving and eloquent debut' Bookseller… (plus d'informations)
Titre:Sleepwalker's Introduction to Flight
Auteurs:Sion Scott-Wilson
Info:Macmillan New Writing (2008), Hardcover, 336 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque, En cours de lecture

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Sleepwalker's Introduction to Flight par Sion Scott-Wilson


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A curiously brilliant nocturnal fable about a boy who cannot sleep . . .Funny and filled with heart . . . a sparky debut' - Alexandra Heminsley, The London Paper Dreaming of joining the brotherhood of Acapulcan cliff-divers, young Mikey Hough rigs a diving platform in the garden of his suburban Berkshire home. Two years later, when he awakes from his coma, Mikey befriends Roger, an elderly ex-pilot hospitalised when his precious Distinguished Flying Cross was violently stolen from him. Mikey soon learns that his own disastrous attempt at flight has damaged his Suprachiasmatic Nucleus, destroying his ability to sleep. The medical profession can do nothing for him. He is sent home from hospital to die. One night, a despondent Mikey stumbles across Livia, the cynical teenage ward of a neighbouring councilman. Together they decide to track down Roger's stolen medal. So begins a remarkable, picaresque journey into the dark heart of suburban England, during which the fearless Mikey and Livia confront a sprawling cast of pensioners, policemen and criminals - including the profoundly sinister man-child 'The Fat Controller'. As they hurtle towards daybreak, they persuade Roger to undertake one last, gut-wrenching sortie into the night skies. The Sleepwalker's Introduction to Flight is a heart-rending and riotous mini-epic, a brilliantly subversive coming-of-age tale about what happens when dark and light collide, and society's marginalised find their voice. 'A humorous, moving and eloquent debut' Bookseller

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