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Vegan Planet: 400 Irresistible Recipes with…

Vegan Planet: 400 Irresistible Recipes with Fantastic Flavors from Home and Around the World (édition 2003)

par Robin Robertson

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427561,044 (3.94)2
"When it first appeared in 2003, Vegan Planet revolutionized animal-free cooking. Robin Robertson's pioneering book played a leading role in the passage of veganism from subculture to mainstream culinary lifestyle. Its breadth and variety of fantastically flavorful food not only gave vegans what they craved, it gave them food they could serve up happily to their non-vegan family members and friends. One decade and more than 100,000 copies later, this important classic is back in a thoroughly revised edition. Vegan cookbooks are big sellers today, but in a thicket of topical and niche titles there's a need for an everyday cooking bible on which vegan cooks can rely. The new Vegan Planet meets that need handsomely. Robertson's extensive updates cover such things as: the newly expanded range of whole grains that are available; super greens, such as kale and chard, that are rising in popularity; new facts concerning which cooking oils are healthiest and most earth-friendly; and new saucing and flavoring ideas from the global pantry. Throughout, there's the spirit of adventure and of culinary creativity that has cemented Robertson's reputation at the top of the vegan pantheon. "--… (plus d'informations)
Titre:Vegan Planet: 400 Irresistible Recipes with Fantastic Flavors from Home and Around the World
Auteurs:Robin Robertson
Info:Harvard Common Press (2003), Paperback, 592 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

Information sur l'oeuvre

Vegan planet : 400 irresistible recipes with fantastic flavors from home and around the world par Robin Robertson


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5 sur 5
Orange and Chipotle-Kisssed Butternut Squash Bisque, p.86; very good, and with an immersion blender, not as daunting.
  DromJohn | Mar 17, 2014 |
This book contains a staggering amount of recipes from all over the world. They're split into handy sections to keep everything manageable, and most of the recipes call for easy to obtain ingredients, which makes this a wonderful basic cookbook. ( )
  391 | Dec 23, 2008 |
Vegan Planet is a very comprehensive cookbook containing 400 recipes. For those that do not eat animal products of any kind and anyone that may want to add variety to their menu. This book is well laid out and offers many different cuisines from all around the globe. As always, there are a few recipes that will not appeal to non-vegans, but there are many that will. I myself have made many of the recipes for my family and everyone was happily surprised. I like the natural aspect and the ability to be healthier in my cooking. ( )
  WillowOne | Mar 25, 2008 |
I'm an aspiring vegan, and always on the look out for cook books that give me the cheat sheet to making unique and healthy vegan food. And when I found this book in the shop, my journey to find one comprehensive guide was over. The big book - as i like to call it - has neatly grouped chapters and covers every kind of food you might ever want to eat. Cuisine wise (Italian, Eastern, Middle-Eastern, even sandwiches!!) and meal wise (Brunches, lunches, desserts, dinners). And the best part about this book is there is always something new to try. The index is quite detailed and very useful - when you have ingredients in the fridge you want to use to indulge yourself in a gourmet meal. It inspires you, which is also a plus. I would not necessarily recommend it to a starter cook book, but if you want to be inspired, this is the book!! ( )
  lavi5676 | Mar 24, 2008 |
lots of recipes, but also lots of errors. most are good, but I've made a frew wretched things out of this cookbook so I mostly avoid it. ( )
  paisley1 | Jan 5, 2007 |
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"When it first appeared in 2003, Vegan Planet revolutionized animal-free cooking. Robin Robertson's pioneering book played a leading role in the passage of veganism from subculture to mainstream culinary lifestyle. Its breadth and variety of fantastically flavorful food not only gave vegans what they craved, it gave them food they could serve up happily to their non-vegan family members and friends. One decade and more than 100,000 copies later, this important classic is back in a thoroughly revised edition. Vegan cookbooks are big sellers today, but in a thicket of topical and niche titles there's a need for an everyday cooking bible on which vegan cooks can rely. The new Vegan Planet meets that need handsomely. Robertson's extensive updates cover such things as: the newly expanded range of whole grains that are available; super greens, such as kale and chard, that are rising in popularity; new facts concerning which cooking oils are healthiest and most earth-friendly; and new saucing and flavoring ideas from the global pantry. Throughout, there's the spirit of adventure and of culinary creativity that has cemented Robertson's reputation at the top of the vegan pantheon. "--

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