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Silent Night (Fear Street Super Chillers,…

Silent Night (Fear Street Super Chillers, No. 2) (édition 1991)

par R. L. Stine (Auteur)

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305989,322 (3.33)1 / 2
Don't open that present! If only Reva Dalby had listened to that warning. But beautiful, cold Reva won't listen to anyone. She thinks she can have whatever--and whomever--she wants. After all, her daddy owns Dalby Department Stores. Now, someone has some surprises in store for her. Robbery? Terror? Even murder? Someone wants to treat Reva to a holiday she'll never forget. Holiday cheer quickly turns to holiday chills for Reva. Someone is stalking her, and for the first time, her money can't help her. Who can you turn to when murder comes gift-wrapped?… (plus d'informations)
Titre:Silent Night (Fear Street Super Chillers, No. 2)
Auteurs:R. L. Stine (Auteur)
Info:Simon Pulse (1991), 216 pages
Collections:Fear Street

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Silent Night par R. L. Stine


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 Name that Book: 80s/90's YA thriller3 non-lus / 3scarlettbones, Mars 2013

» Voir aussi les 2 mentions

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A quick read. I appreciated that the story wasn’t a rehash of the first book. The blurb on the back is misleading. The main plot is about a couple of people planning to kidnap Reva for a ransom. The back makes it sound like a psycho killer is after her. ( )
  LynnMPK | Jun 30, 2023 |
The MC is the most annoying character ever, ever in a Fear Street novel; evvvvveeeerrrr. Like, I didn't want her to survive. She is stuck up, spoiled, her hair is so 90's, she has her own phone line; just ew. I cannot believe there were 3 (three, tres, trois) books about this girl. And she doesn't really change over the course of the books either. Maybe some, but not enough for me to like her.

I will admit this may not be one my best reviews, but I just had to get this off my chest. This character! Thank you for listening. ( )
  choirchik | Jun 12, 2021 |
More of a mystery rather than a slasher, but I guess you could say that about most of R.L. Stine's books. A few twists and turns that surprised me, mainly because there were just So. Many. Suspects. ( )
  LynnK. | Aug 4, 2020 |
Reva is a mean girl. She is rich and likes to play mean tricks on other people. She has been this way since her mother died. Over the Christmas holiday she is working at her father's department store. She is really not into it and then someone starts playing mean tricks on her. But more is going on at the store and one of the security guards is murdered.

This one was pretty good. It is not paranormal at all. The mystery is pretty good and it did surprise me a couple of times. Good for tweens and teens who like a creepy mystery. ( )
  TheLibraryhag | Aug 20, 2015 |
Review by: Maria

Reva Dalby is a teenager that doesn’t listen to anyone much. She’s young and beautiful. When Reva was putting her lipstick on, she felt that she cut herself with a needle inside her lipstick. Reva doesn’t know who and why that person put a needle in her lipstick. Then she started to work at her father’s store called Dalby Department Store. The problem is that someone wanted to scare Reva. Then at the middle of the book three teenagers wanted to rob the store of Reva’s dad. Someone name Mitch was blackmailing Clay, Pam, and Mickey. Mr. Wakely (Mickey’s father) was the one that killed Mitch and the security guard.
My favorite part of the book is that Reva is helping her dad, so she can get some money. My least favorite part is when Reva is being mean to her own cousin, Pam, because Reva doesn’t want Pam work where Reva is.
I recommend this book probably for young adults because it has robbery, murder, and probably some drama. This book would appeal to teenagers because when you read it, it sounds more like teenagers. The language in this book doesn’t have much violence.
For the book I’ll give it a 4 for the rating because I like the book, but I don’t like when someone betrays her/ his cousin. ( )
  bplteen | Apr 27, 2012 |
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Reva Dalby admired her reflection in the glass countertop.
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ISBN 0671008862 is for the Collector's Edition containing all three Silent Night books.
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Don't open that present! If only Reva Dalby had listened to that warning. But beautiful, cold Reva won't listen to anyone. She thinks she can have whatever--and whomever--she wants. After all, her daddy owns Dalby Department Stores. Now, someone has some surprises in store for her. Robbery? Terror? Even murder? Someone wants to treat Reva to a holiday she'll never forget. Holiday cheer quickly turns to holiday chills for Reva. Someone is stalking her, and for the first time, her money can't help her. Who can you turn to when murder comes gift-wrapped?

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