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Szczesciarz par Nicholas Sparks

Szczesciarz (original 2008; édition 2019)

par Nicholas Sparks (Auteur)

MembresCritiquesPopularitéÉvaluation moyenneMentions
6,4531331,554 (3.88)66
Is there really such thing as a lucky charm? The hero of Nicholas Sparks's new novel believes he's found one in the form of a photograph of a smiling woman he's never met, but who he comes to believe holds the key to his destiny. The chain of events that leads to him possessing the photograph and finding the woman pictured in it is the stuff of love stories.… (plus d'informations)
Auteurs:Nicholas Sparks (Auteur)
Info:Albatros (2019), 400 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque, En cours de lecture

Information sur l'oeuvre

The Lucky One par Nicholas Sparks (2008)


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Affichage de 1-5 de 133 (suivant | tout afficher)
Ein Buch, so wunderschön. Voll von Wärme, Herzlichkeit und Liebe. Aber auch von Intrige.
Denn sagen wir so, in einer Liebesgeschichte gibt es doch immer jemanden, der dir das Glück vermiesen will. Richtig?
Diese Buch war mein erstes Sparks-Buch. Bisher dachte ich immer, dass seine Bücher nur so vor Schmalz tropfen. Doch ich wurde eines besseren belehrt.
Auch wenn die Charaktere zu abgerundet, zu perfekt scheinen. Jedenfalls wenn es um Beth und Logan geht.
Wer sich den Film angesehen hat, bevor er das Buch gelesen hat, wird vielleicht ein wenig vom Film enttäuscht sein. Denn wie es meist passiert, wurde der Film etwas abgewandelt.
Für mich gibt es hier 4 Sterne. Es ist nicht perfekt, hat mich zwar angezogen es immer wieder zur Hand zu nehmen. Kleines Manko die Perfektion einzelner Charaktere, was etwas realitätsuntreu ist. ( )
  RoXXieSiXX | May 20, 2024 |
Now this was a good book. This book kept me wanting to read more. I'd have liked it much more if not for these things.

One, it was overall very very predictable. Two, the extremely dramatic and over-the-top ending left me feeling that Sparks was writing this book more from a Hollywood point of view than that of reality. Three, the characters are just too cliched. The beautiful single Mom. The handsome, chivalrous ex-solider. The feisty grandmother. The villainous ex. The precocious young child. They're just too perfect in their own ways to be real. ( )
  Mariafrendo | Apr 6, 2024 |
  BooksInMirror | Feb 19, 2024 |
Marine finds picture while serving in Iraq. He finds he is destined to find her.
  bentstoker | Jan 26, 2024 |
I didn't read this. Got the book in a lot with other things. The book has some stains on the page edges like something was spilled on it. Not my kind of book so I'm not even rating it.
  jezebellydancer | Dec 26, 2023 |
Affichage de 1-5 de 133 (suivant | tout afficher)
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Nicholas Sparksauteur principaltoutes les éditionscalculé
Lloyd, John BedfordNarrateurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
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For Jamie Raab and Dennis Dalrymple

A year to remember...
and a year to forget.
I'm with you in spirit.
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Deputy Keith Clayton hadn't heard them approach, and up close, he didn't like the looks of them any more than he had the first time he'd seen them.
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Logan didn't deliver advice, instead he asked Ben what he thought he should do.
Based on her experience with men, most assume that when you talk to them about a problem or a dilema, they were expected to offer an opinion... even when all you really wanted was for them to listen!
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Wikipédia en anglais (1)

Is there really such thing as a lucky charm? The hero of Nicholas Sparks's new novel believes he's found one in the form of a photograph of a smiling woman he's never met, but who he comes to believe holds the key to his destiny. The chain of events that leads to him possessing the photograph and finding the woman pictured in it is the stuff of love stories.

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Moyenne: (3.88)
1 20
1.5 1
2 52
2.5 12
3 216
3.5 47
4 355
4.5 22
5 287

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