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House of Worship: Sacred Spaces in America

par Dominique Browning

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The sacred buildings of America--churches, synagogues, temples, mosques, meetinghouses--are as diverse as the people they serve. In this book, we hear from architects, designers, clergy, and congregations as we explore and reflect on the intersection of faith, design, and community. We visit a variety of houses of worship across the nation, from a Quaker meetinghouse built in 1694 to a Baptist church constructed by slaves and a synagogue completed at the end of the twentieth century. Featured sites include: Gethsemane Cathedral, Fargo, ND; Touro Synagogue, Newport, RI; Chuang Yen, Putnam Co., NY; First Baptist, Savannah, GA; St. Paul's, St. Croix, VI; Chapel, Windsor, FL; Marjorie Powell Allen, MO; Saint Lawrence Catholic Campus Center, Lawrence, KA; San Juan Bautista, Miami, FL; Christ Church, Cranbrook, MI; Central Synagogue, New York, NY; Summer and personal chapels: Newport, RI; Saratoga Springs, NY; Cooperstown, NY; Temple Israel Chapel, Miami, FL; Friends Meeting, Flushing, NY; Congregation B'nai Yisrael, Armonk, NY; First Presbyterian, Greenwich, CT; First Church of Christ, Scientist, Berkeley, CA; Civic Center Synagogue, New York, NY; St. Andrew's Dune Church, Southampton, NY; Chapel of St. Ignatius, Seattle, WA; St. Patrick, Oklahoma City, OK. The Author Edited by Dominique Browning, House & Garden magazine is one of the definitive voices in design, decor, and entertainment as well as gardens, celebrity houses, travel, food, and wine from around the world.Reverend Professor at Harvard University, Peter Gomes preaches at the Harvard Memorial Church and is the best-selling author of The Good Book. 170 illustrations… (plus d'informations)

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The sacred buildings of America--churches, synagogues, temples, mosques, meetinghouses--are as diverse as the people they serve. In this book, we hear from architects, designers, clergy, and congregations as we explore and reflect on the intersection of faith, design, and community. We visit a variety of houses of worship across the nation, from a Quaker meetinghouse built in 1694 to a Baptist church constructed by slaves and a synagogue completed at the end of the twentieth century. Featured sites include: Gethsemane Cathedral, Fargo, ND; Touro Synagogue, Newport, RI; Chuang Yen, Putnam Co., NY; First Baptist, Savannah, GA; St. Paul's, St. Croix, VI; Chapel, Windsor, FL; Marjorie Powell Allen, MO; Saint Lawrence Catholic Campus Center, Lawrence, KA; San Juan Bautista, Miami, FL; Christ Church, Cranbrook, MI; Central Synagogue, New York, NY; Summer and personal chapels: Newport, RI; Saratoga Springs, NY; Cooperstown, NY; Temple Israel Chapel, Miami, FL; Friends Meeting, Flushing, NY; Congregation B'nai Yisrael, Armonk, NY; First Presbyterian, Greenwich, CT; First Church of Christ, Scientist, Berkeley, CA; Civic Center Synagogue, New York, NY; St. Andrew's Dune Church, Southampton, NY; Chapel of St. Ignatius, Seattle, WA; St. Patrick, Oklahoma City, OK. The Author Edited by Dominique Browning, House & Garden magazine is one of the definitive voices in design, decor, and entertainment as well as gardens, celebrity houses, travel, food, and wine from around the world.Reverend Professor at Harvard University, Peter Gomes preaches at the Harvard Memorial Church and is the best-selling author of The Good Book. 170 illustrations

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