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Chargement... La Jeune Fille à la perle (1999)par Tracy Chevalier
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Inscrivez-vous à LibraryThing pour découvrir si vous aimerez ce livre Actuellement, il n'y a pas de discussions au sujet de ce livre. Highly sensual without being actually sexual. A window onto the methods of 17th century artists, specifically Vermeer. Very well done. ( ) Kurze Inhaltsangabe Delft, 1664. Die junge Magd Griet wird in den Haushalt des holländischen Malers Johannes Vermeer gegeben und avanciert schnell zur Schülerin und Muse des Malers. Sie zeigt eine scheue, in Andeutungen belassene Zuneigung zu dem Künstler, dem sie schliesslich Modell sitzt, was für Schikanen seitens Vermeers eifersüchtiger Gattin sorgt. Als der Maler das junge Mädchen bittet, den Perlenohrring seiner Frau für ein Porträt anzulegen, löst er eine Katastrophe aus, die Griets Zukunft bedroht. I had a copy of this on my TBR pile, so I am happy to be able to cross this one off of this list, and to put the book in one of our nearby little free libraries, for someone else to read. Probably everyone else here has read this one? Historical fiction about a young woman working as a maid for Vermeer. I was really enjoying the book at first, for the depiction of life in the Netherlands in 1664. In the end, I felt there was a lot of housecleaning and laundry, and not enough plot. So, 3 1/2 stars. Thoroughly enjoyable. I won't go so far as to say it's a new Wuthering Heights or anything, but it was only on later reflection did I feel like there was a missed opportunity for this book to become a classic. The maid was fittingly painted in brilliant color, Vermeer (but only his shadow) in bold dark relief, but the other characters were maybe a little flat. I couldn't help but be disappointed in Maria Thins who seemed to lose depth by the end. And what a steamy, creative, and unnecessary sex scene! While I definitely enjoyed the book and thought that the premise was terrific, I found that Griet's prudishness - which really only served to lengthen a book which could have been quite shorter - got on my nerves. All other facets, however, were lovely: the description of Vermeer's works, his work method, the comings and goings of the household including jealousies and intrigues, Griet's family and its troubles - all were interesting, fluid, and sounded true to the times. It's a beautiful testimony to the world-known painting and a well-imagined tale rooted in art history.
For a while it seems that it will be... an artist romance. Tracy Chevalier steers her novel deliberately close and tacks abruptly away. The book she has written, despite a lush note or two and occasional incident overload, is something far different and better... [Instead, it is] a brainy novel whose passion is ideas. Chevalier's exploration into the soul of this complex but nave young woman is moving, and her depiction of 17th-century Delft is marvelously evocative. Appartient à la série éditorialeEst contenu dansFait l'objet d'une adaptation dansContient un guide de lecture pour étudiantPrix et récompensesDistinctionsListes notables
"La jeune et ravissante Griet est engagée comme servante dans la maison du peintre Vermeer. Nous sommes à Delft, au dix-septième siècle, l'âge d'or de la peinture hollandaise. La ville est aussi prospère que rigide. Griet s'occupe du ménage et des six enfants de Vermeer en s'efforçant d'amadouer l'épouse, la belle-mère et la gouvernante, chacune étant très jalouse de ses prérogatives. Au fil du temps, la douceur de la jeune fille, sa vivacité, sa sensibilité émeuvent le maître. Il l'introduit dans son univers. À mesure que s'affirme leur intimité, la tension et la suspicion règnent dans la maisonnée, le scandale se propage dans la ville. Tracy Chevalier s'est inspirée d'un des plus célèbres et mystérieux tableaux de Vermeer, La Jeune Fille à la perle, pour écrire ce roman envoûtant sur la corruption de l'innocence. C'est l'histoire d'un cœur simple sacrifié au bûcher du génie."--Résumé de l'éditeur. Aucune description trouvée dans une bibliothèque |
Discussion en coursAucunCouvertures populairesGenresClassification décimale de Melvil (CDD)813.54Literature English (North America) American fiction 20th Century 1945-1999Classification de la Bibliothèque du CongrèsÉvaluationMoyenne:
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