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The White Flower (Grace Livingston Hill #82)…

The White Flower (Grace Livingston Hill #82) (original 1927; édition 1995)

par Grace Livingston Hill (Auteur)

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Fiction. Romance. HTML:

While traveling to accept a position as companion to an elderly lady out West, Rachel Rainsford receives a startling note from a fellow train passenger—she's actually in the middle of a dastardly scheme to sell her as companion to a corrupt Chicago businessman. But can Rachel trust daring Chan Prescott after being deceived before? Caught in a dangerous chase with the criminals close behind, will faith—and love—be enough to save her?

.… (plus d'informations)
Titre:The White Flower (Grace Livingston Hill #82)
Auteurs:Grace Livingston Hill (Auteur)
Info:Living Books (1995), 272 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

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The White Flower par Grace Livingston Hill (1927)


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I am a big fan of this author as I learned to love reading by reading her books from my grandmother's library. This story was filled with action and adventure and just when you think the people are safe, you are surprised again by the enemy. A story of a chance meeting on a train that leads to running from two men with evil intent.

Rachel Rainsford thinks she is on her way to Chicago to take on a new job now that her parents have passed away. But while on the train with the man who "hired" her, she discovers his evil intent to sell her to another man on the train. Chan Prescott briefly passes Rachel on the train, but can't get her and her gorgeous red hair out of his mind as he feels he should know her from somewhere. When he hears the two men on the train conspiring to trick Rachel he immediately sets out to help her and drops a note in her lap of warning. The two will jump from the train, to flee, but that is only the beginning, as these two men are hard to shake and seem very determined to not give up. What makes it most difficult is that the men have passed the word along that Rachel is insane and needs help, which means no one will believe her story of being 'kidnapped'. The race is on and it kept me turning the pages to see how and when these two lovely people would finally escape and be free from their pursuers. This will test the faith and courage of them both. Near the end God will lead Chan to a man that will lead him to the Lord. I felt that scene did a great job of showing how there are no mistakes with God. His plans are perfect. ( )
  judyg54 | Nov 17, 2017 |
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The girl had red hair, the old-fashioned, deep-toned kind with glints of gold in it that can never quite be imitated.
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Fiction. Romance. HTML:

While traveling to accept a position as companion to an elderly lady out West, Rachel Rainsford receives a startling note from a fellow train passenger—she's actually in the middle of a dastardly scheme to sell her as companion to a corrupt Chicago businessman. But can Rachel trust daring Chan Prescott after being deceived before? Caught in a dangerous chase with the criminals close behind, will faith—and love—be enough to save her?


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