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The Book of Celtic Symbols: Symbols,…

The Book of Celtic Symbols: Symbols, stories, and blessings for everyday living (édition 2020)

par Joules Taylor (Auteur)

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33Aucun753,992 (3)1
In ancient times, Druids read the future through the movement of the stars and planets, in dreams, in the flights of birds, in the running of hares. Today, we too look for signs and symbols in the skies, and increasingly, seek a connection with the natural world as we journey through life. The Book of Celtic Symbols reveals more than 50 sacred symbols and deities that express the ethos of the ancient Celts. From celebrating the rites of spring to invoking the mother-goddess Briggida with her symbol, the triskele, this evocative guide unlocks ancient lore and explains how to communicate with the spirit of the land. The knowledge within these pages is sure to provide you with the necessary tools to bring wisdom into your life.… (plus d'informations)
Titre:The Book of Celtic Symbols: Symbols, stories, and blessings for everyday living
Auteurs:Joules Taylor (Auteur)
Info:CICO Books (2020), 160 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

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The Book of Celtic Symbols: Symbols, Stories & Blessings for Everyday Living par Joules Taylor


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In ancient times, Druids read the future through the movement of the stars and planets, in dreams, in the flights of birds, in the running of hares. Today, we too look for signs and symbols in the skies, and increasingly, seek a connection with the natural world as we journey through life. The Book of Celtic Symbols reveals more than 50 sacred symbols and deities that express the ethos of the ancient Celts. From celebrating the rites of spring to invoking the mother-goddess Briggida with her symbol, the triskele, this evocative guide unlocks ancient lore and explains how to communicate with the spirit of the land. The knowledge within these pages is sure to provide you with the necessary tools to bring wisdom into your life.

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