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Gender Identity, Equity, and Violence: Multidisciplinary Perspectives Through Service Learning

par Geraldine B. Stahly, Geraldine B. Stahly (Directeur de publication)

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The authors of the thirteen chapters in this volume bring excitement and innovations to teaching about gender from a wide range of theoretical and discipline perspectives. They exhibit the inclusiveness that is central to feminist pedagogy-a perspective that centers the educational enterprise in the analysis of the interconnectedness of social categories that have traditionally divided and given root to inequality and oppression and aims for no less than social transformation. Empowerment is a core value in gender education and the experiential approach nurtures that goal. This volume provides many examples of the power of learning through experience as the authors demonstrate that, "...the authority of the feminist teacher as intellectual and theorist finds expression in the goal of making students themselves theorists of their own lives by interrogating and analyzing their own experience." (Weiler, 1991) To stimulate the adaptation of the approaches described in these books, each volume includes an Activity / Methodology table that summarizes key elements of each example, such as class size, pedagogy, and other disciplinary applications. Click herefor the table to this title.… (plus d'informations)

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Geraldine B. Stahlyauteur principaltoutes les éditionscalculé
Stahly, Geraldine B.Directeur de publicationauteur principaltoutes les éditionsconfirmé
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The authors of the thirteen chapters in this volume bring excitement and innovations to teaching about gender from a wide range of theoretical and discipline perspectives. They exhibit the inclusiveness that is central to feminist pedagogy-a perspective that centers the educational enterprise in the analysis of the interconnectedness of social categories that have traditionally divided and given root to inequality and oppression and aims for no less than social transformation. Empowerment is a core value in gender education and the experiential approach nurtures that goal. This volume provides many examples of the power of learning through experience as the authors demonstrate that, "...the authority of the feminist teacher as intellectual and theorist finds expression in the goal of making students themselves theorists of their own lives by interrogating and analyzing their own experience." (Weiler, 1991) To stimulate the adaptation of the approaches described in these books, each volume includes an Activity / Methodology table that summarizes key elements of each example, such as class size, pedagogy, and other disciplinary applications. Click herefor the table to this title.

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