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The Missing Piece

par Lee Ezell

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92Aucun303,873 (4.5)1
Lee Ezell tells the dramatic story of her remarkable reunion with her daughter Julie. It began in 1963, when Lee, a confused and frightened 18-year-old -- the victim of a brutal rape -- bravely chose to have her baby and give her up for adoption. In the years that followed, Lee's life changed dramatically: she had a successful marriage, two beautiful adopted daughters, and became a popular Christian writer, speaker, and radio personality -- but she would always feel a piece missing from her heart. Then one day, more than twenty years later, her daughter Julie appeared. The part of Lee's past that had once haunted her bless her. Lee Ezell's poignant, powerful story of her reunion with her daughter reveals not only her pain, but also her strengthened faith in God and the way in which he works to reveal his purpose in our lives. The Missing Piece is a truly inspiring testimony of the power of love and faith to heal the wounds of the past -- to help each of us reclaim our own "missing pieces." Book jacket.… (plus d'informations)

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Lee Ezell tells the dramatic story of her remarkable reunion with her daughter Julie. It began in 1963, when Lee, a confused and frightened 18-year-old -- the victim of a brutal rape -- bravely chose to have her baby and give her up for adoption. In the years that followed, Lee's life changed dramatically: she had a successful marriage, two beautiful adopted daughters, and became a popular Christian writer, speaker, and radio personality -- but she would always feel a piece missing from her heart. Then one day, more than twenty years later, her daughter Julie appeared. The part of Lee's past that had once haunted her bless her. Lee Ezell's poignant, powerful story of her reunion with her daughter reveals not only her pain, but also her strengthened faith in God and the way in which he works to reveal his purpose in our lives. The Missing Piece is a truly inspiring testimony of the power of love and faith to heal the wounds of the past -- to help each of us reclaim our own "missing pieces." Book jacket.

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