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Purchase of this book includes free trial access to where you can read more than a million books for free. This is an OCR edition with typos. Excerpt from book: of Samuel Newell and go with him across the great seas to a new home in the far East. She was a fragile flower of girlhood, apparently unfitted for storm and tempest; but those who looked into the depths of her sad, brown eyes read there the indomitable purpose dwelling in her frail body. At the close of that memorable day, Samuel Nott, Gordon Hall, and Luther Rice took their departure for Philadelphia, expecting to sail in a few days on. the Harmony for Calcutta. The others lingered in Beverly and Salem, waiting for wind and tide to favor the sailing of the brig Caravan from the port of Salem bound for the coast of Asia. Already the little boat was rocking at its moorings out in the harbor. Compared with the gigantic steamships which cross the ocean to-day, she was a baby craft of perhaps five hundred tons' burden. The Mayflower was about one third the size of the Caravan, while the Titanic was one hundred times larger. On board, her crew were receiving freight and provisions for the long voyage around the Cape of Good Hope to India. On shore, four people looked anxiously The Caravan each day out toward the black masts of the ship which was to hear them away from everything dear and familiar into experiences which God alone knew. Enough that he knew and would provide for the whole, uncertain future of their lives On Monday, the 17th of February, a terrific storm fell upon Salem, almost burying the town in snow. The next day dawned bleak and cold, with a presage in the air of coming events. Before the forenoon was past the desired and dreaded summons became a reality. A message was brought to the Judsons and Newells requesting them to go on board at once, that the ship might be ready to sail with the first friendly breeze. The inevitable last things ...… (plus d'informations)

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Ethel Daniels Hubbardauteur principaltoutes les éditionscalculé
GARDNER, cHRISauteur principaltoutes les éditionsconfirmé
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Purchase of this book includes free trial access to where you can read more than a million books for free. This is an OCR edition with typos. Excerpt from book: of Samuel Newell and go with him across the great seas to a new home in the far East. She was a fragile flower of girlhood, apparently unfitted for storm and tempest; but those who looked into the depths of her sad, brown eyes read there the indomitable purpose dwelling in her frail body. At the close of that memorable day, Samuel Nott, Gordon Hall, and Luther Rice took their departure for Philadelphia, expecting to sail in a few days on. the Harmony for Calcutta. The others lingered in Beverly and Salem, waiting for wind and tide to favor the sailing of the brig Caravan from the port of Salem bound for the coast of Asia. Already the little boat was rocking at its moorings out in the harbor. Compared with the gigantic steamships which cross the ocean to-day, she was a baby craft of perhaps five hundred tons' burden. The Mayflower was about one third the size of the Caravan, while the Titanic was one hundred times larger. On board, her crew were receiving freight and provisions for the long voyage around the Cape of Good Hope to India. On shore, four people looked anxiously The Caravan each day out toward the black masts of the ship which was to hear them away from everything dear and familiar into experiences which God alone knew. Enough that he knew and would provide for the whole, uncertain future of their lives On Monday, the 17th of February, a terrific storm fell upon Salem, almost burying the town in snow. The next day dawned bleak and cold, with a presage in the air of coming events. Before the forenoon was past the desired and dreaded summons became a reality. A message was brought to the Judsons and Newells requesting them to go on board at once, that the ship might be ready to sail with the first friendly breeze. The inevitable last things ...

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