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Visser: Animorphs par K. A. Applegate

Visser: Animorphs (édition 2024)

par K. A. Applegate (Auteur)

Séries: Animorphs (35.5)

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483452,958 (3.81)3
Her human name is Eva. There was a time when she had a loving husband and a son, Marco. When she had a wonderful career.But that was before she was infested by Edriss 562. Before the invasion of Earth. Now, Edriss 562 lives in Eva's head andcontrols her every movement. And through Eva, Edriss has become the highest-ranking general in the Yeerk empire, surpassingeven her arch rival, Visser Three. She is Visser One.But it has become known that Visser One's tactics for attaining her current position were less than acceptable -- even to theYeerks. Now she's on trial for treason. If she's found innocent she'll continue to rule. But if she's found guilty, she'll lose her life --and possibly the life of her host, Eva. Which will mean that Marco will never, ever see his mother again... K.A. Applegate is the married writing team Katherine Applegate and Michael Grant. Their Animorphs series has sold millions of copies worldwide and alerted the world to the presence of the Yeerks. Katherine is also the author of the Endling series and the Newbery Medal-winning The One and Only Ivan. Michael is also the author of the Front Lines and Gone series.… (plus d'informations)
Titre:Visser: Animorphs
Auteurs:K. A. Applegate (Auteur)
Info:Scholastic Audio (2024)
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

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Vysser par K. A. Applegate (Author)


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4 sur 4
As a sidestory in the Animorphs series, this one fills in a ton of backstory about the Yeerks invading Earth. This one jumps around between the present narrative and the past, because it's Visser One being on trial for multiple counts of treason, and having to explain herself- recounting how the Yeerk Edriss first discovered Earth and realized humans might make good host species, how they took their first hosts to explore the possibilities and learn about humans, how the Sharing was initially set up, how Edriss and her companion Yeerk went through several different hosts until Edriss ended up in Marco's mom, and so on. Half of this is Edriss simply telling it, the other half is "memory transfers" where everyone gets to view exactly what went on, revealing some details Edriss would have rather kept secret. All the time Visser Three is there- goading her and spouting anger and at risk of being put on trial himself, as Visser One takes every opportunity to point out his mistakes. At one point someone dumps a tiger and a bear into the group- as a distraction?- to make them think it's the Animorphs but later someone let the actual Animorphs know where they are and they face a real attack. It was actually cool to see the Animorphs through their enemies' eyes. Also to see how humans appeared to them- kind of a character study on the human race. As in The Departure, this one lets the reader see things from the other side, making Visser One not exactly sympathetic, but definitely more of a gray character- you can see why she was driven to do the things she did, but she readily displays her ruthlessness- for all she appears to have developed fond feelings for humankind (living among them in disguise for over a year before any more Yeerks came to Earth), she has no qualms about killing children to meet her ends (and that's just one example). Visser Three, on the other hand, remains thoroughly himself the whole time in this book- angry and blustering and bloodthirsty. Not one of the funnier books, but definitely intriguing and laid a lot of things out. Incidentally it was difficult at some points to tell who was talking, or who could hear whom using thought-speak though, when the narrating Visser One was communicating with her host or someone else, or they were in one of the memory replays- but I skimmed past some of that muddle regardless. As a trial it's all one huge farce, because in the end the Vissers evade the death penalty and carry on- with some warnings is all...

from the Dogear Diary ( )
  jeane | Jan 2, 2020 |
The back story of Visser One. It does a good job of showing her point of view. ( )
  nx74defiant | Apr 7, 2017 |
A short comment for every book of the series until I get a chance to re-read them. All three of my sons and I loved this series and read every single book - I even bought every single book (most, but not all, used; some through school book sales). I'm excited to re-read them to see how the five main characters develop and to watch all the different transformations again. ( )
  Cheryl_in_CC_NV | Jun 6, 2016 |
Remarkably well done. I am admittedly surprised and impressed, glad to finally appreciate something our son read several years ago. Thoughtful, intelligent insights about "the human condition" underlie the heart of this little YA novel -- their expression, at times, is laugh-out-loud funny! ( )
  jasbro | Jun 16, 2012 |
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Applegate, K. A.Auteurauteur principaltoutes les éditionsconfirmé
Kukalis, RomasArtiste de la couvertureauteur secondairetoutes les éditionsconfirmé

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Animorphs (35.5)
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Dedicated to Maxx Leach and all the students at Roosevelt School in Lubbock, Texas.
And to Michael and Jake
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Her human name is Eva. There was a time when she had a loving husband and a son, Marco. When she had a wonderful career.But that was before she was infested by Edriss 562. Before the invasion of Earth. Now, Edriss 562 lives in Eva's head andcontrols her every movement. And through Eva, Edriss has become the highest-ranking general in the Yeerk empire, surpassingeven her arch rival, Visser Three. She is Visser One.But it has become known that Visser One's tactics for attaining her current position were less than acceptable -- even to theYeerks. Now she's on trial for treason. If she's found innocent she'll continue to rule. But if she's found guilty, she'll lose her life --and possibly the life of her host, Eva. Which will mean that Marco will never, ever see his mother again... K.A. Applegate is the married writing team Katherine Applegate and Michael Grant. Their Animorphs series has sold millions of copies worldwide and alerted the world to the presence of the Yeerks. Katherine is also the author of the Endling series and the Newbery Medal-winning The One and Only Ivan. Michael is also the author of the Front Lines and Gone series.

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