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Hour Game par David Baldacci

Hour Game (original 2004; édition 2004)

par David Baldacci

MembresCritiquesPopularitéÉvaluation moyenneDiscussions / Mentions
4,327922,813 (3.64)1 / 103
Fiction. Mystery. Suspense. Thriller. HTML:A man accused of burglary seems innocent . . . but in this #1 New York Times bestseller, two ex-Secret Service agents quickly learn that nothing is more dangerous than the truth.
A woman is found murdered in the woods. It seems like a simple case but it soon escalates into a terrible nightmare. Someone is replicating the killing styles of the most infamous murderers of all time. No one knows this criminal's motives...or who will die next.
Two ex-Secret Service agents, Sean King and Michelle Maxwell, have been hired to defend a man's innocence in a burglary involving an aristocratic family. Then a series of secrets leads the partners right into the frantic hunt that is confounding even the FBI. Now King and Maxwell are playing the Hour Game, uncovering one horrifying revelation after another and putting their lives in danger. For the closer they get to the truth, the closer they get to the most shocking surprise of all.
… (plus d'informations)
Titre:Hour Game
Auteurs:David Baldacci
Info:Grand Central Publishing (2004), Edition: 1St Edition, Hardcover, 448 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

Information sur l'oeuvre

L'heure du crime par David Baldacci (2004)

  1. 10
    Une seconde d'inattention par David Baldacci (Kaczencja)
    Kaczencja: The first book in King and Maxwell series
  2. 10
    Un simple génie par David Baldacci (Kaczencja)
    Kaczencja: The third book in King and Maxwell series
  3. 10
    First Family par David Baldacci (Kaczencja)
    Kaczencja: The fourth book in King and Maxwell series
  4. 10
    The Sixth Man par David Baldacci (Kaczencja)
    Kaczencja: The fifth book in King and Maxwell series

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» Voir aussi les 103 mentions

Affichage de 1-5 de 91 (suivant | tout afficher)
Sean King and Michelle Maxwell return for their second outing. Following their experiences in Split Second, they have now set up a private detective agency in Wrightburg, Virginia. Their work is progressing well until they find themselves embroiled in the investigation of a series of killings that gradually appear to be the work of a murderer intent on copying the work of famous serial killers.

In fact, King is initially considered as a possible suspect, but he and Maxwell are deputised to assist the local police chief (who seems primarily bent upon solving the crimes before the FBI, who have muscled in on the investigation).

This is a competent thriller, with plenty of plot twists, and a smattering of intriguing characters, although I felt it failed to match up to the author’s finest work. ( )
  Eyejaybee | Aug 22, 2024 |
I guess I'm getting burnt out on mysteries where lots of people die. It was good as far as that kind of plot goes--my curiosity remained intact until we learned for certain who the murderer was. ( )
  TraSea | Apr 29, 2024 |
(2004)Only a fair story that stretches credulity to the point when 2 adversaries fire their guns at each other and the bullets COLLIDE in midair and explode. Come on. (PW)Baldacci's last book, Split Second, was a relatively weak offering from this bestselling author, sunk by a cartoonish villain and absurd plot. But it did introduce two of Baldacci's (Absolute Power, etc.) most memorable characters, former Secret Service agents Sean King and Michelle Maxwell, in business together as private investigators in smalltown Wrightsburg, Va. Baldacci is back in form, and King and Maxwell reappear in this utterly absorbing, complex mystery-thriller that spins in unexpected directions. The novel starts as a serial-killer thriller, for there's a murderer at work in Wrightsburg whose selection of victims appears random but whose modus operandi, differing from kill to kill, mimics the work of a notorious serial killer¥the Zodiac killer, John Wayne Gacy, etc. The fifth victim is local resident and international tycoon Robert E. Lee Battle. King and Maxwell have already been tangling with the gothic horror show of a dysfunctional Southern family that is the Battles, as they've been hired to help prove the innocence of a Battle handyman accused of stealing from the family. Then that handyman is murdered, and the duo (along with a clueless local sheriff and an obnoxious FBI agent) must race to figure out if the same killer is behind all the murders and, if so, why. There are terrific action sequences sprinkled throughout, and plenty of suspense, and the King/Maxwell relationship, while not romantic, emits sparks. It's Baldacci's portrayal of smalltown Southern life, however, and his sharp characterizations of the Battles, from the bombastic Bobby and his regal widow to his weird extended family, that give the novel texture and depth: this is Baldacci's most accomplished tale since his nonthriller Wish You Well, and it rivals that novel in its social commentary. Despite fair clues, few if any readers will ID the villain (villains?) before they're revealed, and a snappy surprise ending will have Baldacci's many fans remembering why they love this author so much.
  derailer | Jan 25, 2024 |
Didn't enjoy it as much as the first book in the series, but still pretty good storytelling. ( )
  bcuperus | Dec 22, 2023 |
Great read ( )
  MustangGuy | Sep 12, 2023 |
Affichage de 1-5 de 91 (suivant | tout afficher)
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Nom de l'auteurRôleType d'auteurŒuvre ?Statut
David Baldacciauteur principaltoutes les éditionscalculé
Marjamäki, PekkaTraducteurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
McLarty, RonNarrateurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
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This novel is dedicated to Harry L. Carrico, Jane Giles and to the memory of Mary Rose Tatum.

Three of the finest people I have ever known.
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The man in the rain slicker walked slightly bent over, his breathing labored and his body sweaty.
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Wikipédia en anglais (2)

Fiction. Mystery. Suspense. Thriller. HTML:A man accused of burglary seems innocent . . . but in this #1 New York Times bestseller, two ex-Secret Service agents quickly learn that nothing is more dangerous than the truth.
A woman is found murdered in the woods. It seems like a simple case but it soon escalates into a terrible nightmare. Someone is replicating the killing styles of the most infamous murderers of all time. No one knows this criminal's motives...or who will die next.
Two ex-Secret Service agents, Sean King and Michelle Maxwell, have been hired to defend a man's innocence in a burglary involving an aristocratic family. Then a series of secrets leads the partners right into the frantic hunt that is confounding even the FBI. Now King and Maxwell are playing the Hour Game, uncovering one horrifying revelation after another and putting their lives in danger. For the closer they get to the truth, the closer they get to the most shocking surprise of all.

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