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Mr. Monk Goes to Germany par Lee Goldberg

Mr. Monk Goes to Germany (édition 2008)

par Lee Goldberg (Auteur)

Séries: Mr. Monk (6)

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22211126,098 (3.81)12
Fiction. Mystery. HTML:

Adrian Monk is actually doing well lately. He is solving murders as fast as they come, and he has been noticeably less compulsive—he doesn't count his morning Wheat Chex until they're in the bowl. Progress is progress, and Monk knows he owes it all to his therapist, Dr. Kroger. So when Dr. Kroger attends a conference in Germany, Monk ends up in trouble. He can't tie his shoes, forgets how to swallow, and loses track of his blinking. Desperate to regain his footing, Monk follows his shrink to Germany. And that's where Monk sees the man across a crowded town sqare—the man he's never stopped searching for. The man with six fingers. The man responsible for his wife's death. Or did Monk just imagine crossing paths with him?

Now, in a foreign land full of, well, foreigners, Monk must deal with his multitude of phobias and contend with an especially unfriendly polizei department in order to find the six-fingered man. He also must confront someone who thinks Monk may have just gone officially insane—his own psychiatrist.

… (plus d'informations)
Titre:Mr. Monk Goes to Germany
Auteurs:Lee Goldberg (Auteur)
Info:Berkley (2008), Edition: Reprint, 288 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

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Mr. Monk Goes to Germany par Lee Goldberg


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Affichage de 1-5 de 11 (suivant | tout afficher)
Thanks to Doctor Kroger, Adrian Monk realizes he’s making some small steps of progress. But when the doctor’s attendance at a conference in Germany interrupts his thrice-weekly sessions, Adrian suffers a setback. He can’t tie his shoes, he forgets how to swallow, he loses track of the number of his eye blinks. Desperate, he and his assistant, Natalie Teeger, follow the doctor to Germany where Adrian encounters the man with six fingers, the man responsible for Trudy’s death.

Or is it all a figment of Monk’s tortured imagination?

Sixth in the series of books based on the hit television show, this laugh-out-loud narrative keeps readers in stitches as Monk’s phobias run amok and the author details his many foibles for readers. All the expected characters are in place as the story unfolds, predictable only inasmuch as there will be murders for Adrian to solve. Plot twists and quirky events keep the pages turning; readers will find it difficult to set this one aside before turning the final page.

Recommended. ( )
  jfe16 | May 24, 2019 |
Mr. Monk Goes to Germany, is an interesting story of Obsessive Compulsive Monk. Though it has all of the mystery and characters of the show, this book seems to lose some of the charm that is Monk. The storyline is interesting, yet at times a little hard to get into and retain the readers interest. Germany presents an interesting surrounding for this story to take place in, especially with Monk’s OCD, yet it also presents a Monk that is a little less likable. ( )
  Preston.Kringle | Nov 23, 2018 |
I love the quirkiness that is Mr. Monk! ( )
  Emmie217 | Jun 27, 2018 |
When Monk's therapist goes to a psychiatric conference in a Medieval German village, thereby cancelling Monk's thrice weekly appointments, Monk can't cope. So he demands that he and personal assistant Natalie will follow Dr. Kroger to Germany and demand his appointments be kept, something that Natalie realizes is intrusive, but how many chances will she have to go to Germany?
While stalking the doctor, Monk spots a man he's been looking for for many years, and he also manages to solve a couple of German murders while trying to convince the local police to help him with his own suspect.
This was written by one of writers of the tv show, and his neurotic, demanding Monk is spot on, which means that if you like the show, you'll likely enjoy this, and if you don't like the show you should skip this. I liked both. 4 .2 stars ( )
  mstrust | May 15, 2018 |
Mr. Monk's psychologist, Dr. Kroger, goes on a working vacation to Germany. Monk, naturally, is compelled to follow him. While there, he encounters another psychologist, a man with six fingers on one hand, which fits the description of the man who murdered Monk's wife, Trudy. As Monk investigates him, he becomes convinced that he is responsible for more than one murder, and must deal with the unknown elements of a foreign land and a conference of people with body deformities (Monk is particularly grating here) as he attempts to prove Dr. Rahner's guilt. ( )
  burnit99 | Sep 19, 2010 |
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Fiction. Mystery. HTML:

Adrian Monk is actually doing well lately. He is solving murders as fast as they come, and he has been noticeably less compulsive—he doesn't count his morning Wheat Chex until they're in the bowl. Progress is progress, and Monk knows he owes it all to his therapist, Dr. Kroger. So when Dr. Kroger attends a conference in Germany, Monk ends up in trouble. He can't tie his shoes, forgets how to swallow, and loses track of his blinking. Desperate to regain his footing, Monk follows his shrink to Germany. And that's where Monk sees the man across a crowded town sqare—the man he's never stopped searching for. The man with six fingers. The man responsible for his wife's death. Or did Monk just imagine crossing paths with him?

Now, in a foreign land full of, well, foreigners, Monk must deal with his multitude of phobias and contend with an especially unfriendly polizei department in order to find the six-fingered man. He also must confront someone who thinks Monk may have just gone officially insane—his own psychiatrist.


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Lee Goldberg est un auteur LibraryThing, c'est-à-dire un auteur qui catalogue sa bibliothèque personnelle sur LibraryThing.

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