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Odd Hours: An Odd Thomas Novel par Dean…

Odd Hours: An Odd Thomas Novel (original 2008; édition 2009)

par Dean Koontz

Séries: Odd Thomas (4)

MembresCritiquesPopularitéÉvaluation moyenneMentions
3,9741103,202 (3.76)81
Haunted by dreams of a powerful red tide, Odd Thomas, accompanied by two otherworldly sidekicks--his dog Boo and the Chairman of the Board--is drawn to a small California coastal town, where nothing is at it appears and where he confronts overwhelming and sinister forces out to stop his quest.
Titre:Odd Hours: An Odd Thomas Novel
Auteurs:Dean Koontz
Info:Bantam (2009), Edition: Reprint, Mass Market Paperback, 432 pages
Collections:Lus mais non possédés

Information sur l'oeuvre

Odd Hours par Dean Koontz (2008)


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» Voir aussi les 81 mentions

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Didn't finish. It dragged on and on. With little happening. I've got too many (possibly good) books to read to waste my time on this. ( )
  cwebb | Mar 18, 2024 |
This one was pretty good and Odd ( )
  hellokirsti | Jan 3, 2024 |
Against advice (sorry Heather) I read this one without having read 2 & 3. I love the character and the dialogue that Koontz writes. The conversations between Odd * the Sherrif are hilarious. ( )
  GordCampbell | Dec 20, 2023 |
Oh man... I just can't do it anymore. I hung in there with Odd Thomas for 4 books, thinking at some point the series would return to the captivating charm of the first instalment, but I have to admit it's never going to happen.

The plot of ODD HOURS meanders and goes nowhere, with nothing but Odd's "gut feelings" and a maddeningly obtuse sidekick to prod it along. Very little actually happens in the first 300 pages or so. Instead, we're treated to endless descriptions of the weather, the setting, and the general atmosphere--sprinkled with many of Odd's awkward observations about life. The dialogue, sparse as it is, feels overly stilted--like Koontz was trying hard to be funny but couldn't quite manage it.

Odd started out sweet and lovable in the first book. By the fourth, he's a complete nitwit, with very few likeable characteristics. He seems led along by his hunches, a victim of his "gift" rather than a man willing to take charge of his life.

And with that, I'm done. Not just with Odd Thomas, but with Koontz entirely, which is a shame, because I really loved some of his other books. He's just had too many misses for me, and ODD HOURS was the straw that broke the camel's back. Or the book that decimated the reader's last shred of patience. ( )
  Elizabeth_Cooper | Oct 27, 2023 |
After an 8 page description of the main character getting out of the water, I couldn't take it anymore. ( )
  eurydactyl | Jul 20, 2023 |
Affichage de 1-5 de 110 (suivant | tout afficher)
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Dean Koontzauteur principaltoutes les éditionscalculé
Baker, David AaronNarrateurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Kleinschmidt, BernhardTraducteurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
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This fourth Odd adventure is dedicated to Bruce, Carolyn and Michael Rouleau. To Michael because he made his parents proud. To Carolyn because she makes Bruce happy. To Bruce because he has been so reliable all these years, and because he truly knows what it means to love a good dog.
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Informations provenant du Partage des connaissances anglais. Modifiez pour passer à votre langue.
The man-made a perverse realm of ego and envy, where power-mad cynics make flase idols of themselves and where the meek have no inheritance because they have gladly surrendered it to their idols in return not for lasting glory but for an occasional parade, not for bread but for the promise of bread.
If evil geniuses are so rare, why do so many bad people get away with so many crimes against their fellow citizens and, when they become leaders of nations, against humanity?
Edmund Burke provided the answer in 1795: The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
I would only add this: It is also essential that good men and women not be educated and propagandized into believing that real evil is a myth and that all malevolent behavior is merely the result of a broken family's or a failed society's shortcomings, amenable to cure by counseling and by the application of new economic theory.
To do something, to do what you feel sure is right and in the aid of justice, you sometimes have to do things that, when recalled on lonely nights, make you wonder if in fact you are the good man that you like to believe you are.
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Note: BAU = Brilliance Audio Unabridged, 8d = 8 discs
Answer to: unknown if audio book is abridged or unabridged.
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LCC canonique

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Haunted by dreams of a powerful red tide, Odd Thomas, accompanied by two otherworldly sidekicks--his dog Boo and the Chairman of the Board--is drawn to a small California coastal town, where nothing is at it appears and where he confronts overwhelming and sinister forces out to stop his quest.

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Moyenne: (3.76)
0.5 2
1 15
1.5 1
2 49
2.5 17
3 245
3.5 48
4 287
4.5 16
5 219

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