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The Techniques of Basketry par Virginia I.…

The Techniques of Basketry (édition 1987)

par Virginia I. Harvey (Auteur)

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This collection of basketry techniques is the result of many months of research; never before have so many varieties of the craft from so many parts of the world been covered in a single volume. The traditional methods--coiling, twining, wickerwork, splintwork, and plaiting--are described in detail, and special attention is directed to the specific materials, beginnings, and finishes appropriate to each. Many of the techniques are so simple that it is possible to ?read? a picture of a basket and then construct it. Both historical and contemporary articles made with basketry techniques are illustrated to serve as inspiration. Over 400 photographed examples and explicit line drawings enable even the beginner to master the steps easily. The author also discusses the decorative rather than the purely functional character of contemporary work, encouraging today's basketmakers to evolve innovated forms and methods from the old techniques and to incorporate them into their designs for today's life style. Truly unique in its thorough treatment of both techniques and new possibilities, this book is certain to inspire a new level of achievement in basketry.… (plus d'informations)
Titre:The Techniques of Basketry
Auteurs:Virginia I. Harvey (Auteur)
Info:Univ of Washington Pr (1987), 128 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

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The Techniques of Basketry par Virginia I. Harvey


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Basketry techniques from diverse cultures, 3 copies, 2xHB and 1xPB
  NWBW | Aug 2, 2024 |
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This collection of basketry techniques is the result of many months of research; never before have so many varieties of the craft from so many parts of the world been covered in a single volume. The traditional methods--coiling, twining, wickerwork, splintwork, and plaiting--are described in detail, and special attention is directed to the specific materials, beginnings, and finishes appropriate to each. Many of the techniques are so simple that it is possible to ?read? a picture of a basket and then construct it. Both historical and contemporary articles made with basketry techniques are illustrated to serve as inspiration. Over 400 photographed examples and explicit line drawings enable even the beginner to master the steps easily. The author also discusses the decorative rather than the purely functional character of contemporary work, encouraging today's basketmakers to evolve innovated forms and methods from the old techniques and to incorporate them into their designs for today's life style. Truly unique in its thorough treatment of both techniques and new possibilities, this book is certain to inspire a new level of achievement in basketry.

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