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Ishmael and the return of the dugongs par…

Ishmael and the return of the dugongs (original 2007; édition 2011)

par Michael Gerard Bauer

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Ishmael is back at St Daniel’s for another year of misadventure, with his best mate Razz determined to set him up with dream-girl, Kelly. But before Ishmael can win her heart, he has to overcome a mortifying pool incident, a nasty knock-out and getting caught red-handed with Kelly’s diary. Ishmael’s only hope lies with his Dad’s rock band, but can the Dugong’s set everything right?… (plus d'informations)
Titre:Ishmael and the return of the dugongs
Auteurs:Michael Gerard Bauer
Info:Malvern, S. Aust. : Omnibus Books, 2011.
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

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Ishmael and the Return of the Dugongs par Michael Gerard Bauer (2007)


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This second Ishmael story revolves around the potential of poetry (including song lyrics) to capture and express emotions. For the teenagers Ishmael and his friend Razza, poetry is also a promising new way to approach girls. For Ishmael, who always fears to come across the wrong way and tends to find himself in embarrassing situations, words don't come easy, particularly not for wonderful Kelly. Plus, Ishmael thinks that he can't rival with Kelly's cool and sporty friend Brad. For Razza this is all different. He is relaxed and outspoken, convinced that he really knows what "chicks" like. In his persistent attempts to help Ishmael, Razza becomes the central figure of the story. Razza is also an important link to two other side stories of this book, those concerning the debating club (which connects to three other nerdy or unpopular school friends) and the revival of the Dugongs, the former university band of Ishmael's dad. In the end, these side stories converge nicely: one of the debating club nerds jumps in to help out Razza, and Razza jumps in to help out the Dugongs. Indeed, poetry works well for everybody in the end.
I found the story very funny and entertaining. Still, I liked the first book of the series better, perhaps because it is more introspective, more focused on Ishmael and less obsessed with teenage liaisions. For a non-native speaker like me, it is a great book to get or stay in touch with colloquial teenage language, perhaps with an Aussie bias. A fun read. ( )
  Bassgesang | Dec 27, 2022 |
Read Don't call me Ishamael a few years back and then heard that my daughter had read it. We agreed that the scene when his mum is giving birth is one of the funniest things we have ever read. So am my daughter was stumped for things to read we went out and bought the two sequeals. Electra loved them and now I have just read Ishmael and the return of the dugongs, as my husband came from a private boys school and I did teaching rounds in a private school a lot of the story rang true. I also found the akwardness and the awe of first love coming back to me when I read it. The Orazio Zorzotto steals the show in this one. Will now have to read Ishmael and the hoops of Steel. ( )
  SharonStewart | Jan 14, 2013 |
In 2004, Michael Gerard Bauer published his debut novel, The Running Man. In 2006, his writing took a very different tone with Don't Call Me Ishmael – and though The Running Man was outstanding, I am secretly pleased that he picked Don't Call Me Ishmael to continue with a sequel. How do you top a year of chaotic, feel-good fun, all crammed into a story that practically bounces off its pages at you? With more of the same, of course! Ishmael and the Return of the Dugongs is more crazy fun, more laugh-out-loud wit, and more zany surprises from our favourite vibrant characters. Sure, at times, the plot may be a little formulaic, the dialogue a little unrealistic, and the characters a little clichéd, but all of these drawbacks are swamped by a tidal wave of sheer hilarity.

Bauer has gone out of his way to make sure that Ishmael and the Return of the Dugongs is even bigger, brighter and funnier than its prequel – and it shows. For starters, he seems to have cottoned on to the fact that everybody loves the Razzman, so Orazio can now be found putting his 'wicked plans' into action on nearly every page. Bauer seems determined to challenge our views of nearly every character in the story, from debating-hero Scobie to maths-geek Prindabel. This novel never slows down for a moment – there are enough crazy surprises thrown into the mix to keep the plot running at top speed all the way through.

Inevitably, however, Ishmael and the Return of the Dugongs suffers from 'sequelitis' as a result. There are times when the dialogue degenerates into clichéd drivel, particularly where the school bullies are concerned. The slightly exaggerated style of the writing sometimes threatens to become dangerously exaggerated. Any subtlety associated with the character of Barry Bagsley is unfortunately obliterated by one of the most overused plot-devices in the world of teenage fiction. These weaknesses are not prominent enough to spoil the fun of the novel, but they are prominent enough to be noticed and frowned at every now and then.

If you have ever read a Michael Gerard Bauer book, be it a serious or a silly one, then you will know that the best thing about them is the feelings they create – feelings that stay with you even after the book is closed. Rarely, if ever, will you find a children's book that makes you feel as good as this one. ( )
1 voter SamuelW | Jun 16, 2009 |
Ishmael is back in Year 10 now, with his best mate Razzo trying to set him up with the girl of his dreams, Kelly. The only problem is that Kelly already has a Brad Pitt look alike boyfriend called Brad. Razzo has the brilliant idea to use poetry to win Kelly ( Hilarious chapter on how "crap" the poem he writes actually is). The book is peppered with wonderful side shoot stories like how Mr. Guthrie came to be called Pele, Razzo telling the fairytale "Pinkilocks and the 3 beers" to 2 small children, as well as wonderful adventures for Ishmael himself such as the pool + the green cordial incident, the knockout punch from the bully and why, and being sprung reading Kelly's diary! There is also the reforming of Ishmael's Dad's band The Dugongs with Mr. Barker the Principal & Razzo of all people coming to their rescue at the last minute.

This one was not as funny as the last one but I still managed to LOL about 6 times!! (Especially at Razzo's banter with his classmates). I suspect that their will be another Ishmael book in the pipeline ; well I hope so!

[p.69-76 Crap-a-thon} Note : mild swearing .
  nicsreads | Sep 23, 2007 |
There's a lot going on in Ishmael's life as he begins Year 10: Razza is on his case in the matter of the beautiful Kelly Faulkner; his dad is acting in a most peculiar manner; the debating team is riven by an argument between Razza and Ignatius Prindabel. On the bright side, Miss Tarango is still his English teacher (though her poetry blitz has side effects even she wouldn't have foreseen) and Mr Baker blossoms as the manager of the rock band, The Dugongs for their reunion gigi. There are moments of sheer hilarity and the ending is a triumph as Razza comes into his own and Ishmael experiences his first kiss. In Bauer's second story featuring Ishmael Leseur, the dialogue rings true, the characters are finely drawn, the story-line veers between wisdom and laugh-aloud fun - what more could you ask for
(Magpies 22/4 September 2007) ( )
  tsheko | Sep 22, 2007 |
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Ishmael is back at St Daniel’s for another year of misadventure, with his best mate Razz determined to set him up with dream-girl, Kelly. But before Ishmael can win her heart, he has to overcome a mortifying pool incident, a nasty knock-out and getting caught red-handed with Kelly’s diary. Ishmael’s only hope lies with his Dad’s rock band, but can the Dugong’s set everything right?

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